As it comes from the factory live traffic updates aren't included but you can enable them with obdeleven which I've done but I haven't done any testing to see if it uses the info in route calculation
Yes that's how I understood it. That's why I want to find out if the car's sat nav system considers live traffic when calculating the most optimal route to take. If it doesn't then it kind of forces me to choose between using Google Maps from my phone on the Discover media unit or the AID but without live traffic.
As it comes from the factory live traffic updates aren't included but you can enable them with obdeleven which I've done but I haven't done any testing to see if it uses the info in route calculation
Indium Grey Golf 7.5 Alltrack 135tdi Premium - all options
I have been given the VIN and tried to get my nerd on but the website other users on here previously used to track the vehicle on the ship does not allow it due to privacy concerns. At this stage I have no idea how to track the ship. If you or any other users have any tips i'd love to hear them!!
Just had an email from the dealer, our new Tig has docked and should be with the dealer in the next 3 days.
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Haven’t got the email yet, I was asking the dealer about their costs for a dashcam and asked for an update, good chance that it only arrived today I suspect... they said they won’t take possession for Upto 3 business days, 2 days to get it ready etc,
so should be ready by mid next week, not in a rush we brought down the coast so can’t pick it up until the Saturday anyways!
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Just ordered a 162 Highline with DAP, due in April. Can't wait! Very excited as it's been 8 months since we first decided to upgrade my car, originally thought this was going to be above our budget, but got sick of waiting for Volvo XC40 pricing and for the Skoda Karoq to be released here. Used a broker and managed to get this right on budget. Highly recommended.