Threaded View

DigitalCourt How much did you pay for your... 21-01-2017,
10:05 AM

Vwvw1212 Probably won't help but in... 21-01-2017,
10:26 AM

DigitalCourt Signed! Thanks Lynden -... 21-01-2017,
07:09 PM

DigitalCourt He said May/June - probably... 21-01-2017,
08:57 PM

MiiLos Tiguan 162TSI R-line Deals 11-02-2017,
06:59 PM

New here, thanks... 18-02-2017,
06:21 PM

stark27 Hey guys. Got notified... 21-02-2017,
09:30 AM

Gladbach If I were 50/50 or close... 21-02-2017,
09:46 AM

TIGER+IGUANA Deal done. $57600 d/away ... 22-02-2017,
10:41 PM

stark27 After much thinking and... 23-02-2017,
02:46 PM

TIGER+IGUANA Yep, got the lot mate. 23-02-2017,
03:52 PM

TIGER+IGUANA haven't gone the extended... 23-02-2017,
03:54 PM

GolfR79 I ordered the Westfalia... 28-02-2017,
06:35 PM

dieterbohlen How much did you pay for your... 26-05-2017,
02:14 PM

Olle 110TSI Comfort line, no... 21-12-2017,
09:04 PM

piratedaddy Hi,
First and new owner of... 29-12-2017,
01:55 AM

Dead5pur Hi Guys,
In the market for... 02-01-2018,
12:51 PM

smarty Same here $56500 fully... 18-01-2018,
06:57 PM

a1ring23 Got a 132TSI Adventure with... 19-01-2018,
10:44 PM

braddersnz I clearly suck at car... 20-01-2018,
07:38 AM

ingy I paid 41660 For a 132... 20-01-2018,
10:41 AM

Rodmartin I just bought a new 162 TSI... 23-01-2018,
12:03 PM

lall22 Hi all,
New to this forum... 23-01-2018,
01:03 PM

tigger73 Just so people are aware... 24-01-2018,
12:28 PM

flashman1207 Apparently I am getting a... 24-01-2018,
01:24 PM

Rooboy update is on this page. 2... 24-01-2018,
08:07 PM

V Dub Ya Bush My recent purchase was for... 27-01-2018,
09:44 AM

jalam Hi guys, looking to buy... 27-01-2018,
05:14 PM

edsnails Hi Everyone. New to the... 06-02-2018,
07:28 PM

Grugly Signed the contract on... 14-02-2018,
08:53 PM

anonymousmoose My wife and I are after a... 19-02-2018,
12:00 AM

FirstVWbuyer MY18 162TSi Highline + DAP +... 22-02-2018,
11:11 PM

braddersnz Yep clearly my negotiating... 23-02-2018,
09:45 AM

anonymousmoose Tiguan 132tsi Comfortline... 02-03-2018,
07:14 PM

dazzaa Hi Folks,
First time... 04-03-2018,
02:13 PM

anonymousmoose Did this include DAP? 04-03-2018,
02:33 PM

SmokinAce81 Massage seat always on when I... 05-03-2018,
11:33 PM

SmokinAce81 As far as I can tell the seat... 05-03-2018,
11:39 PM

spacemannz Interesting to hear from you... 17-03-2018,
09:06 AM

cathaldinneen Hi All,
I love this forum... 23-03-2018,
12:30 PM

anonymousmoose $51290 drive away. 162tsi... 24-03-2018,
05:16 AM

anonymousmoose The R pack is $4000 and... 25-03-2018,
12:33 AM

anonymousmoose Yes that is true. We got our... 28-03-2018,
10:10 PM

dieterbohlen Is it achievable to get 20%... 22-04-2018,
09:03 PM

Fred K We pick up our 140TDI... 24-04-2018,
11:16 AM

cathaldinneen Hi Guys,
Just wondering... 26-04-2018,
10:15 PM

dieterbohlen Does anyone knows what fees... 27-04-2018,
12:40 AM

anonymousmoose Agree. The 162 is a cracker... 27-04-2018,
11:52 PM

dieterbohlen What's the reasonable DA... 29-04-2018,
11:38 PM

anonymousmoose Dealer I was using tried to... 30-04-2018,
01:45 AM

chapplenick Just ordered a 162TSI r-line... 04-05-2018,
12:02 PM

dieterbohlen Ended up getting 162TSI... 05-05-2018,
10:41 PM

spacemannz TugIan?. I’m not sure Ian’s... 08-05-2018,
08:18 PM

portas1971 Ordered my Tiggy 162... 09-05-2018,
10:20 PM

Redfernpoint Congratulations, that's a... 10-05-2018,
04:52 PM

cathaldinneen Hi All,
I too got a... 10-05-2018,
08:39 PM

cathaldinneen Thanks for the feedback.
... 11-05-2018,
08:08 AM

Janus77 if you search youtube for... 11-05-2018,
11:58 AM

amm9443 Hi all
We have been... 11-05-2018,
06:02 PM

amm9443 Have tried calling dealers... 11-05-2018,
07:31 PM

tigger73 “±1.8% p.a. comparison rate... 15-05-2018,
03:57 AM

dbun Has anyone had luck... 23-05-2018,
10:32 AM

Trooper Just picked up my fully... 23-05-2018,
06:13 PM

FastMitch I have negotiated a good... 27-05-2018,
05:50 PM

FastMitch Yes MY18.5 28-05-2018,
01:29 PM

Delltigz I was able to get a tiguan... 29-05-2018,
10:23 PM

FastMitch I am now looking at getting... 30-05-2018,
12:07 PM

sunilr1 Hey buddy fully appreciate... 03-06-2018,
01:57 AM

tigger73 I think it's useful... 04-06-2018,
02:20 PM

ianjamo I put the screws into a... 08-06-2018,
08:27 PM

dieterbohlen Just a quick question: how... 10-06-2018,
08:46 PM

tigger73 Check your contract. It... 11-06-2018,
09:08 AM

anonymousmoose I understand where your... 13-06-2018,
01:10 AM

tigger73 I may have just bought a... 14-06-2018,
03:24 PM

chapplenick I use my DAP features on my... 16-06-2018,
01:36 PM

chapplenick Oh I didn’t realise DAP... 16-06-2018,
01:44 PM

Jimmye Adaptive Cruise is an... 16-06-2018,
03:21 PM

Ryngalf I made the order and paid... 16-06-2018,
03:26 PM

tigger73 I got my tint thrown in but... 03-07-2018,
11:44 AM

jcheung_23 I got my 162tsi in metallic... 05-07-2018,
09:04 AM

Golden_Zhang I got 110tsi Comfortline with... 05-07-2018,
12:18 PM

Mrdriller Would my 132tsi comfortline... 05-07-2018,
09:50 PM

Dose Pipe Sutututu We managed to only get it... 06-07-2018,
03:05 PM

Bladesg Looking at a demo 132TSI... 15-07-2018,
04:26 PM

bbrn thanks, can't wait for... 01-08-2018,
10:26 AM

jcortez Hi all - just ordered the... 03-08-2018,
11:50 AM

tig132com I just picked up a demo... 04-08-2018,
05:20 PM

davesc63 Hi all,
Pretty keen on... 08-08-2018,
01:48 PM

davesc63 Can’t believe that the... 16-08-2018,
04:51 PM

Shaqattack This has been my finding with... 16-08-2018,
07:41 PM

Clarkie I’m about to start... 20-08-2018,
07:14 PM

Shaqattack Brand new?
Really good price... 25-08-2018,
09:51 AM

Shaqattack Absolutely!!
Nice one!!! 25-08-2018,
09:43 PM

LoungeLover Hi all,
have been lurking... 31-08-2018,
03:30 PM

Shaqattack Dealers are lazy mate.
I... 31-08-2018,
09:04 PM

Clarkie The regional dealer I went... 31-08-2018,
09:37 PM

Shaqattack Congrats! Really good price... 31-08-2018,
11:04 PM

Shaqattack The boot space in the... 03-09-2018,
10:51 PM

Tjscott86 Good Afternoon all,
First... 16-09-2018,
05:22 PM

davesc63 $56,300 - MY18.5 White 162,... 18-09-2018,
05:48 PM

spitz Signed for a Wolfsburg... 03-10-2018,
05:26 PM

chapplenick Go the broker service -... 05-10-2018,
07:39 AM

Albarbs Hi
Just bought a MY19... 13-10-2018,
09:44 AM

Howudn I got a pearl white Wolfy... 15-10-2018,
08:30 PM

bee2gee Signed for mine yesterday,... 16-10-2018,
08:29 AM

Tjscott86 Any one else notice the... 18-10-2018,
02:54 PM

jolv yea seems wrong, i just... 18-10-2018,
03:31 PM

Willytiguan I get my white wolf on... 21-10-2018,
12:56 AM

Willytiguan Hey guys. I’m having a little... 22-10-2018,
05:22 PM

chapplenick I used a broker who got my a... 02-11-2018,
06:20 PM

fluckaduck ^^ Great price! 02-11-2018,
06:59 PM

gbones just got back from VW... 03-11-2018,
04:32 PM

WLF162 White Wolf with Roof 03-11-2018,
04:46 PM

Orpheus2k I agree with Tigger, min 10%... 04-11-2018,
05:48 AM

kai888 Hi Guys,
has any one... 05-11-2018,
08:13 PM

Orpheus2k Wow congrats! That’s a great... 12-11-2018,
03:58 PM

FastMitch What is the lowest price any... 14-11-2018,
08:04 PM

Orpheus2k The first shipment of cars... 23-11-2018,
06:08 PM

Orpheus2k I’m pretty sure for us car... 26-11-2018,
06:16 PM

tigger73 You're not locked into... 26-11-2018,
06:50 PM

Rogue_willy $57,500 drive away for fully... 26-11-2018,
10:33 PM

Wolfsburger I recently purchased a Grey... 01-12-2018,
02:08 PM

franjae Went to have a look at the... 02-12-2018,
10:22 AM

iampivot Been quoted 50K for an... 02-12-2018,
02:43 PM

tigger73 Often these deals are built... 05-12-2018,
12:57 PM

Orpheus2k This month’s VW Aust Finance... 05-12-2018,
02:19 PM

Orpheus2k Thanks mate.
The Blackvue... 11-12-2018,
07:04 AM

boriskov Just did a deal with Norris... 11-12-2018,
11:11 AM

Orpheus2k My car loan from VW Finance... 11-12-2018,
02:51 PM

Dutch77 That's good dealing, that... 11-12-2018,
06:50 PM

gbones stuck between the 132tsi... 12-12-2018,
10:19 AM

iampivot You'll likely get very few... 12-12-2018,
10:46 AM

Dutch77 ^ well said.
I picked a... 12-12-2018,
01:07 PM

Dutch77 In your opinion. :)
I have... 12-12-2018,
07:25 PM

Dutch77 Partially agreed; fact... 14-12-2018,
07:36 AM

franjae I had a hard time deciding... 14-12-2018,
07:47 AM

franjae Haha, let’s not talk about... 14-12-2018,
07:07 PM

Wolfy2018 Does anyone else feel guilty... 20-12-2018,
02:52 PM

tigger73 They’re only dirty with you... 20-12-2018,
03:33 PM

Orpheus2k I agree, the cars they are... 21-12-2018,
03:39 PM

Orpheus2k Ah yes, you are right.
I... 31-12-2018,
08:30 PM

Orpheus2k They removed the sunroof... 31-12-2018,
08:53 PM

Vietbargain $58,500 for a white Wolfsburg... 31-12-2018,
09:58 PM

tigger73 You're stalking dealerships... 01-01-2019,
02:20 PM

iampivot For those that got their... 01-01-2019,
05:09 PM

jdstephens Haha!!
Their shut, but... 01-01-2019,
06:24 PM

jdstephens Just got told that my... 02-01-2019,
09:58 AM

jdstephens Did you get a production date... 02-01-2019,
05:38 PM

LJ1981 What’s family essentials... 03-01-2019,
12:36 PM

Orpheus2k How much is the family pack?... 03-01-2019,
01:03 PM

tomcat225 Howdy folks - can anyone... 03-01-2019,
07:32 PM

Orpheus2k I heard the sun blinds are... 03-01-2019,
07:42 PM

Orpheus2k SA is a busy port
... 04-01-2019,
06:06 PM

jdstephens Received my VIN number this... 05-01-2019,
09:00 AM

tomcat225 Spent about an hour on... 06-01-2019,
02:29 PM

Vietbargain Just got a message from the... 07-01-2019,
09:43 AM

Orpheus2k Official news from WWL on my... 07-01-2019,
04:51 PM

FastMitch 1.9% is now offered across... 25-01-2019,
08:04 PM

verdante Hi All - the dealer has... 06-02-2019,
02:40 PM

Orpheus2k Personally I will be taking... 06-02-2019,
02:47 PM

tigger73 I’m a bit the opposite. I... 06-02-2019,
03:21 PM

mh44 I’ve been quoted approx... 12-02-2019,
09:42 PM

sangabang If you check the price guide... 12-02-2019,
10:22 PM

jdstephens Is 41.5% buy back after 4... 17-02-2019,
05:21 PM

coastvw Gave up the whole residual... 27-02-2019,
02:59 PM

phonebooth WA
MY19 Highline 162TSI... 02-03-2019,
11:08 AM

smithcorp So, MY19 Allspace Highline... 03-03-2019,
07:04 PM

Orpheus2k Great prices guys. Mid 50s... 04-03-2019,
06:10 AM

smithcorp If you are in Sydney, dealer... 07-03-2019,
06:55 AM

Sudoku Still searching for 162... 12-03-2019,
05:00 PM

kabbage Looks like there is only 1... 19-03-2019,
09:14 PM

jdstephens When I picked up my Wolfsburg... 19-03-2019,
11:34 PM

Mozzz No Wolfsburgs at all on... 20-03-2019,
11:02 AM

sln 2019 162TSI Pure white... 27-03-2019,
01:56 PM

jdstephens Not wrong!! I paid $57365... 30-03-2019,
07:57 PM

jeromeo Same here...
I have enough... 01-04-2019,
08:52 AM

kurumba Hi All,
I am in the market... 16-04-2019,
09:32 AM

michael_ozzie Hi All.
Just signed for a... 11-05-2019,
07:18 PM

Dimism Hey guys,
Looking at... 18-05-2019,
03:33 PM

Dimism Deal done today for MY19... 23-05-2019,
03:30 PM

landypro Can anyone PM me a Sydney... 25-05-2019,
05:38 PM

Bagheera I got mine through Rockdale... 27-05-2019,
01:40 PM

FibreOptix Long time lurker here and am... 22-07-2019,
03:46 PM

iDiesel Yeah, I'd be looking at... 24-07-2019,
09:07 PM

MAJAHO No nets with the All Space 03-08-2019,
04:57 AM

limydoo Hi everyone,
I'm currently... 03-08-2019,
07:48 PM

tigger73 You just have to make sure... 03-08-2019,
08:17 PM

Pongoes Offered 63.5k for 162... 10-08-2019,
04:17 PM

limydoo Signed today for a brand... 15-08-2019,
06:42 PM

limydoo 19.5, which I’m good with.... 16-08-2019,
09:42 AM

Bayman Looking to pick up a 2018... 17-08-2019,
12:36 AM

Guest001 Here you go and I dont know... 17-08-2019,
01:47 PM

Snookered76 New here, and very happy to... 30-08-2019,
10:03 AM

DanielH I signed up to one of the... 19-10-2019,
08:40 PM

DanielH No, it doesn’t include R... 19-10-2019,
09:11 PM

Tinhillterror Dropped my Golf R off for a... 13-11-2019,
08:06 PM

ESSDUB Hey everyone, first post
... 14-11-2019,
01:34 PM

ESSDUB Only half a tank of fuel... 14-11-2019,
01:38 PM

Pandos Just picked up my Tiguan... 17-11-2019,
02:32 PM

BH1 Pandos,
Which dealers?? 17-11-2019,
08:30 PM

Snookered76 Thought I'd chime in one more... 26-11-2019,
01:39 PM

LRDV8R -- When you say 'fully... 30-11-2019,
10:44 AM

johnkimble Hi all. Just ordered my first... 02-12-2019,
04:13 PM

Darkshrimp Looking through this list,... 24-12-2019,
01:59 AM

Darkshrimp I guess plus sunroof and... 24-12-2019,
08:55 AM

DLuvzBacon Just picked up my MY20 Tiguan... 19-01-2020,
02:53 PM

Nauend Picking up my Grey 162tsi... 03-05-2020,
06:05 AM

Youdotinmymirror Did you buy it outright and... 11-05-2020,
08:30 PM

Youdotinmymirror Awesome, that’s even better.... 11-05-2020,
10:18 PM

readyone Looks like most of the more... 16-05-2020,
09:14 AM

Nauend When I recently bought my... 16-05-2020,
09:40 AM

iDiesel Now you can enjoy the... 20-05-2020,
06:57 PM

enzso It's in stock so pickup... 20-05-2020,
10:13 PM

tigger73 The 110TSI models all have... 21-05-2020,
08:14 PM

austang Anyone made any good deals... 14-06-2020,
03:51 PM

newbeee hi mate, In SA, my dealer... 21-06-2020,
11:09 PM

tigger73 Just comparing current... 01-10-2020,
09:25 AM

HiddenTaco This Blackend Out Tig Rline... 10-11-2020,
10:43 AM

HiddenTaco Yes, that is what I offered... 10-11-2020,
11:53 AM

HiddenTaco To be fair, only the door... 10-11-2020,
12:21 PM

Shifter 12" My Wolfsberg was 55K with... 24-11-2020,
05:13 PM

Tinhillterror I’d be interested to learn... 25-11-2020,
06:16 AM

emmachai Picked up Tiguan Allspace... 29-11-2020,
04:26 PM

strongsy84 Any chance one of the 58k... 12-12-2020,
04:01 PM

FLVCKO Hey all,
Can you please... 28-12-2020,
09:00 PM

donweather Oh so yours wasn’t an... 02-01-2021,
08:10 PM

donweather Can I ask which state you’re... 02-01-2021,
08:11 PM

donweather Dealer I’m dealing with... 05-01-2021,
08:47 AM

ds7ghss I’m not surprised to be... 05-01-2021,
09:07 AM

donweather Went to another dealer this... 05-01-2021,
10:59 PM

Guest001 A proper dealer fitted... 06-01-2021,
12:51 PM

onggie NSW dealer won't budge on... 19-01-2021,
01:57 PM

Adam181 Hi All,
I just picked up a... 19-02-2021,
09:23 AM

Callever Looking to get an Allspace... 22-02-2021,
07:13 PM

NickVDK Could the above average... 24-02-2021,
07:17 AM

Dim1 Currently looking at... 16-03-2021,
11:42 AM

ds7ghss Does it have any options?... 16-03-2021,
08:53 PM

jrgti Has anyone listed their... 28-03-2021,
08:39 PM

westenderbender Has anybody had any luck... 07-04-2021,
07:16 PM

PulledPork 2021 162TSI R-Line
*... 19-04-2021,
11:49 AM

iDiesel how much for the new '22... 26-05-2021,
10:25 PM

InsaneAsylum 2021 132 tsi Life is now... 27-05-2021,
09:20 AM

Shibbs86 Hi Everyone
I am looking... 04-06-2021,
09:48 AM

nsuinteger I was told they can’t do any... 31-07-2021,
10:19 PM

thestu 2021 162 TSI with all the... 28-08-2021,
11:26 PM

doddy88 Hello,
My new Tiggy is... 18-11-2021,
02:52 PM

Vwcorrerog Buy what's right for you. If... 15-01-2022,
09:28 AM

westenderbender So with dealers quoting above... 26-01-2022,
09:58 AM

Mattywood85 I have read and heard from my... 30-03-2022,
07:30 AM

westenderbender Anyone had any quotes lately... 08-05-2022,
10:57 PM

Vwcorrerog Is that drive away? 24-05-2022,
02:36 PM

curtrambis I ordered a 162 Elegance a... 29-06-2022,
02:35 PM

Tiguan_owner Tiguan Allspace 132TSI 01-01-2023,
02:40 PM

DoomsDay! New from stealership 2022 Vw... 20-04-2023,
09:07 AM

westenderbender Anyone still use this thing?... 27-10-2023,
05:54 AM

Simon123 Hi All,
Looking to replace... 26-03-2024,
11:16 AM

FastMitch How much are people... 30-03-2024,
12:51 AM
How much did you pay for your Tiguan?
In Melbourne south east & shopping around for fully loaded R-line 162TSI in grey.
Anyone have a good deal and dealer contact with similar?
$59k is best so far...
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