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Thread: Help! Which Tiguan to buy!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Melbourne, Victoria
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    Help! Which Tiguan to buy!

    Hi fellow Tiguan family. I am new to the forum and was hoping to get some urgent help & advise.

    I am torn between 2 Tiguan atm that i am about to buy!

    2018 110TSI vs a 2016 (MY17) 132TSI

    Both have the Driver Assist package included, both priced exactly the same and both are on very low km’s

    I am stuck and I was hoping to get advised on which one is a better car to buy.

    *Note this car is only for city driving, kids drop off and be used as a 2nd car for my wife.
    Last edited by Khav515; 28-01-2022 at 11:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Brisbane, QLD
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    Well the 132TSI is a much more practical engine IMO. I also have a 2017 Tiguan however i have the 162TSI. Some say the 2017 Tiguan has the potential for DSG issues though I myself am yet to see this so perhaps other members can comment on that. Based on engine, practicality of towing capacity etc I'd personally lean towards the 132TSI but then I do live rurally and these things are more important to me.

    You have to ask yourself those questions, do you think you'll ever need to tow? Boat, Caravan, Trailer etc. How will you use the car, do you live or drive in the hilly areas. Do you road trip much or do much highway driving?

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Did you test drive both? Was the 110 adequate?

    If so, find out if the car was first registered 1 October 2018 or later. If so, it has the 5 year factory warranty.

    Personally, I much prefer the 132 but the above would be a huge factor for me too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Users Country Flag

    I went through exactly the same process when looking for a Tig.

    The 110 will do the job for you around town ie. school drop off, supermarket but was underpowered for our needs as it's our only car and we do at least one long open road trip per month. My previous car was 112kw and it would struggle on those open road trips with 4 people, bags and loaded roof box so the decision was to get the 132kw. Performance wise, despite not being a 162, the 132 has plenty of punch and I have hit 5.8L/100km on a long drive which I think is nuts for a petrol engine. The 110 was a bit of a wet lettuce during the test drive when I wanted power on tap.

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