Originally Posted by
Hi sorry to all was overseas didn't have time to reply, this is continue from other thread on request from user Justice we will continue here discussion
Justice is right to be upset as recording audio on mobile phone with poor audio microphone is just not enough even I cant hear those noise from audio but having same issue I tottaly understand why he is upset, to catch all this clunking clicking rattle noise as human ears works differently ,you will need some professional audio recording device with multiply microphone inputs to clearly record this issue and isolate external motor and driving noises coming and mixing inside of cabin , is different driving live in car .
By my long testing driving all tiguan 2 models proven that all 4wd new Tiguan 2 are affected regardless 132tsi or 162tsi (higline and rline) some have more and some less but noise is there and this is issue and not acceptable for new car costing 50k - 60k , only 1.4 tsi 2wd are not 100% affected with this problem noise less and smoothness perfect! So all pointing problem is somewhere from Automatic transmission to rear deferential . Put car in eco mode (best way to test as engine has less rpm ) dont use Eco in indvidual menu but directly as Eco directly use costing function ( but Eco in individual menu not using it )which more activate and deactivate clutches ,close the windows sunroof,switch off radio fan, drive alone in quiet street nigh time after 12 when no traffic so you can isolate all external noise and concentrate to inside car noise, find street with lots of humps and roundabout where you need to constantly slow down and drive slowly up to 40km ,once you notice this noise you will always after hear it even during day time and in louder environment , if you dont notice rattle clicking noise than sorry but problem is with hearing( no offence to anyone) or you have 100 % perfect tiguan which i doubt after i tested at least 10 4wd new tiguans and all have issue noted above, some have more and some less noise
Kind Regards