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Thread: Fuse location for Powered driver's seat i 2017 Tiguan?

  1. #1
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    Fuse location for Powered driver's seat i 2017 Tiguan?

    I have a 2017 Tiguan and I have lost power to the driver’s seat. I can not find the specific fuse and can not see what this fuse circuit is called. Any advice would be great.

  2. #2
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    Should be a diagram with the list in the manual Was in mine

    Have a look through this

    O r here might be better

    Update your browser to use Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Sites, Slides, and Forms - Google Drive Help Feast your eyes everything is there Had to get all that off ERWIN
    Last edited by Guest001; 15-06-2024 at 02:51 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #3
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    Thank you very much Hillbilly, I have quite a bit of reading to do.

    Yet to find anything about the seat controls, but I guess I will eventually.

    Again Thank you for the links.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by drivesafe View Post
    Thank you very much Hillbilly, I have quite a bit of reading to do.

    Yet to find anything about the seat controls, but I guess I will eventually.

    Again Thank you for the links.
    NO worries Should be in the electrical section I sold mine so no longer interested much. HOWEVER I had a problem with the auto seat adjust.
    Solution was that I had it too far back in the user position and if its back beyond a certain point it wont adjust or move at all. Took it in to VW and the Workshop manager said it would need a new base for $1032. I remembered that when it had a flat battery it wouldnt work either. So did further investigation and a mechanic told me how to fix it and he put two bits of tape on seat and slide so I could see that it wouldnt be too far back.Only needed to move forward about 30 mm and no more trouble
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #5
    I had a similar issue with my Tiguan last year. The fuse for the driver’s seat power should be in the fuse box inside the cabin. Usually, it's labeled clearly in the fuse box cover.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ELK Audio View Post
    I had a similar issue with my Tiguan last year. The fuse for the driver’s seat power should be in the fuse box inside the cabin. Usually, it's labeled clearly in the fuse box cover.
    So seeing you know that and had the problem it would help if you said which one it is if you had to replace it
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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    Thanks again Hillbilly for the links, they were very helpful.
    I have managed to test everything and it seems the problem is the driver’s seat power control unit.
    The problem occurred when the seat was moved forward to the maximum and sounds a bit like your problem in reverse.
    How did you get yours working again after they tried to rip you off at the dealers?

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    Quote Originally Posted by drivesafe View Post
    Thanks again Hillbilly for the links, they were very helpful.
    I have managed to test everything and it seems the problem is the driver’s seat power control unit.
    The problem occurred when the seat was moved forward to the maximum and sounds a bit like your problem in reverse.
    How did you get yours working again after they tried to rip you off at the dealers?
    I remembered that the last time it did it when battery was low so I checked the battery and it was stuffed so replaced that and had no more trouble. They told me that it was the motor and I was reluctant to believe them. Strange things happen in VAG cars with a stuffed battery. I did go back and told them to file that one away for future reference

    Just remember not to have it too far back or it wont retract any further even if it is not right back. If it does that just move it forward an inch or so and try it
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    I remembered that the last time it did it when battery was low so I checked the battery and it was stuffed so replaced that and had no more trouble. They told me that it was the motor and I was reluctant to believe them. Strange things happen in VAG cars with a stuffed battery. I did go back and told them to file that one away for future reference

    Just remember not to have it too far back or it wont retract any further even if it is not right back. If it does that just move it forward an inch or so and try it
    Thanks mate, will do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash635 View Post
    Sounds like a tricky situation! Check the fuse labeled "Seat" or "Power Seat" in your fuse box. If it's not clear, you might want to look at the owner’s manual or a fuse diagram for your Tiguan. If the fuse is fine, it could be a wiring issue or a faulty seat motor.
    Would presume if he tested the motor it has power to it . I have posted links to all necessary parts for him
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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