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Thread: Fault: Electronic Hand Brake

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Fault: Electronic Hand Brake

    So I just got home and reversed into the garage and after engaging the electronic hand brake, the warning message "Fault: electronic hand brake" appeared.
    I haven't been able to disengage the hand brake since and the warning above just keeps flashing.
    A few days a go I had taken my car into the dealer for a service and when I picked up my car, I was told that I will need to change my front brake pads and roters at the next service but possibly the rears as well.
    I presume they had tinkered around with the brake pads and/rotors and something happen or didn't happen along the way when brakes/rotor were placed back and I now have this problem.
    I read that the EHB uses the rear brakes is that correct? I have attempted to disengage it by stepping on the brake pedal a few times with the engine power off and held down the EHB button but I cannot get it to disengage.
    If there is anyone here who has experienced this or is a VW mechanic, please assist by suggesting what else I can try like using the VCDS software and OEBD connector?
    I have noticed since picking up my car, my mileage has become worse, by at least ~ 1 litre per 100 KM. I am now wondering whether the mechanic has botched up the brake pads during the checks and have them touching the rotors too much.
    Mileage on my Tiguan 132 TSI 2017 is ~ 55K.
    Last edited by jrgti; 18-04-2021 at 06:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I’m no expert with these things but I thought the brake pads have wear sensors in them.

    Have you replaced the battery in your car. Mine indicated a number of faults when the battery needed to be replaced.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  3. #3
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    Check the actual fault code from 53 park brake module if you have VCDS.
    It could be a number of things. The module, the switch, the park brake motors...
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  4. #4
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    VCDS 53 module park brake doesn't work for the Tiguan 2nd gen. Anyway, got the the car rear brakes disengaged just by driving forward however the hand brake can not be engaged so only parking on flats. Dealer avoiding call back as usual.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrgti View Post
    I read that the EHB uses the rear brakes is that correct?
    All cars use the rear brakes as the parking brake. I am not aware of any cars that use the front brakes for a parking brake.

    Quote Originally Posted by wiredless View Post
    I’m no expert with these things but I thought the brake pads have wear sensors in them.
    Only the front driver side pads have wear sensors. The rears do not.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrgti View Post
    VCDS 53 module park brake doesn't work for the Tiguan 2nd gen. Anyway, got the the car rear brakes disengaged just by driving forward however the hand brake can not be engaged so only parking on flats. Dealer avoiding call back as usual.
    Are you certain the parking brake has released? The cars power can easily overcome the parking brake capacity so you might be driving around with the parking brake engaged (hence your worse mileage lately) and not know it.

    When you stop the car, feel the heat coming off the rear brakes. If they are same/hotter than the front brakes you are in trouble. If they are less hot than the front brakes, you should be ok.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

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