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Thread: Eco mode

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamig View Post

    Ok so I did decide to pursue this with VW Australia and this is the response I got :

    As per our conversation yesterday, I have received a response from our Technical department here at Volkswagen Head Office and they have supplied me with the following response to your inquiry:

    After calendar week 22/17, this function has been changed, where after an ignition cycle (bus-silence), the gear selection will revert back to “D” mode.
    This cannot be changed and is a characteristic of design and meant to be this way.

    Please also refer to the owner’s manual section - Selecting driving profiles
    The driving profiles Sport and Eco will also remain set after the ignition has been switched off.
    However, settings for the engine and DSGEco mode dual clutch gearbox may switch to the Normal driving profile when the ignition is switched on again.

    In order to reactivate the Sport and Eco functions, you must re-select the Sport or Eco driving profile or move the selector lever to “S” for the Sport profile.

    So the question is whether this is an acceptable answer from VW, IMO probably not. Live with it or go further?

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    I don't think it's that big of a deal.. if your that upset by it you should trade your car in or sell it and move on.

    Would much rather customer service and the "engineers" focus on actual problems than this..

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamig View Post

    So the question is whether this is an acceptable answer from VW, IMO probably not. Live with it or go further
    i wish they shared the reason behind deliberately programming it as such. but I'd live with it. Eco mode

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbrn View Post
    i wish they shared the reason behind deliberately programming it as such. but I'd live with it. Eco mode
    Emissions? But that doesn't explain why they don't like it staying in eco mode.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonymousmoose View Post
    Emissions? But that doesn't explain why they don't like it staying in eco mode.
    I asked them that question, this is thier response:

    'The function was changed in calendar week 22/17 (this car was built post this time period) so that you just select this function each time you get into the car, regardless of the mode you have selected.'

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  5. #25
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    I have had same problem. Their explanation doesn’t seem to be good enough. The profile of the driving should be matched to the actual driving mode, otherwise why it has the profile feature? I believe it is a bug for vw not to sort it out easily. Disappointed.

  6. #26
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    It’s just vw in a nutshell. They don’t know how to make many of the systems work consistently, so everything is a bandaid remedy- or ‘by design’

    Mazda had the same problem with the car stereo unit (Johnson controls supplied) in the gj Mazda 6. Bluetooth was almost useless. Even after a hardware change, it was still only about 40% usable.

    Outsourced parts lead to lack of control and customising by the car ‘manufacturer’ and an odd experience for the end user.

    We only have ourselves to blame- wanting everything, but not willing to pay market pricing. Needs to be cheap, cheap and it leads to cost cutting and compromises.

  7. #27
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    Damn, this is has been annoying me. I have been "experimenting" with eco mode, and you have to expect that it really imparise the throttle response.

    In my daily commute to the train station, I did notice a reasonable drop in L/100km, so it is typically around 11-12L/100km for the trip, with Eco, it drops to 9-11L (depending on direction and amount of traffic). Which is pretty significant.

    I think the coast mode is pretty cool, likely way more effective than auto stop / start. I also do get frustrated when I need throttle response as I need to overtake some **** head or pull out at a busy intersection to make it to that gap, though I find this can be problematic in Normal mode too (though it is worse in Eco). Only way around it is to tap the paddles, or shift gear select to Sport.

    It also keeps start/stop on longer by allowing the climate to drift more than in normal mode.

    If you drive in Eco, with the understanding of what it is meant to be, you won't be upset. For a basic commute, it appears to make a difference. As stated, for highways, I think all it does is affect cruise distance with ACC enabled, so, not sure it is useful.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamig View Post
    Hi Guys,

    I've purchased a new 2018 132TSI Comfortline and recently noticed that after selecting 'Eco' driving mode, when turning off the engine then restarting it doesn't seem to remember the 'Eco' mode. The instrument panel is showing 'D' (which would be 'Normal' mode) even though the driving profile is saying 'Eco'. I noticed if I select 'Eco' by either touching the screen or with the rotary dial (which would mean in this case turning the dial to another driving mode then turning it back to 'Eco') it then shows 'E' in the instrument panel as if it's now actually in 'Eco'. Has anyone else noticed this? I would of thought it would remember the last driving mode but it seems you have to select 'Eco' again to re-engage the driving mode. Weird, has anyone else experienced this?
    I have encountered the exact same issue and wondering if you got this fixed in your car ? if so please share the details.


  9. #29
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    Read this thread also

    Eco mode problem
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshB View Post
    I have been "experimenting" with eco mode, and you have to expect that it really imparise the throttle response.

    In my daily commute to the train station, I did notice a reasonable drop in L/100km, so it is typically around 11-12L/100km for the trip, with Eco, it drops to 9-11L (depending on direction and amount of traffic). Which is pretty significant.
    Just wondering if that coasting means you use more wear on the brake pads to slow the car down coming to an intersection, downhills etc, and whether any improved fuel economy is eroded by needing to replace pads sooner/more often?
    2018 Allspace 162TSI R Line

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