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Thread: DSG manual shifting 1>2 with a bang

  1. #1
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    DSG manual shifting 1>2 with a bang

    When I take off quickly on a steep hill in Manual shifting mode, the shift from 1st to 2nd hits with a loud bang and jolts the car sharply. I shat myself thinking I'd hit something!
    In a normal (old school) manual, I might expect a bit of clutch drag/slip but this is quite unexpected.

    It has to be a steep hill, near full throttle, shifting around 5-6K RPM and I'm using the normal driving profile.
    I don't get this issue on the flat or low gradient.

    I've tried turning Traction Control off thinking it is trying to compensate for wheel spin, but that does not make a difference. Could it be the 4WD clutch kicking in and pushing power to the rear?

    Has anyone else noticed this? Is this to be expected? Will the dealer just tell me not to drive it that way?

    162TSI Highline (non R-Line).

    I hope someone can advise - thanks in advance!
    Tiguan Highline 162TSI | Indium Grey | DAP | MY18

  2. #2
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    So you are shifting at 5000rpm . Why would you do that What does it do in D

    Has anyone else noticed this? Is this to be expected? Will the dealer just tell me not to drive it that way?

    Probably him and everyone else as well Drive it like you own it not like you stole it.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    So you are shifting at 5000rpm . Why would you do that
    Because it's fun?

    If 5000RPM is under redline RPM and he's not doing it every single launch from every stop ever then why should he expect it to not perform correctly?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DuaneDibbley View Post
    Because it's fun?

    If 5000RPM is under redline RPM and he's not doing it every single launch from every stop ever then why should he expect it to not perform correctly?
    I have far to much respect for a vehicle that I paid a lot of money for to try taking off at revs like that Was taught early on in my driving career that if you have to pay to fix it yourself look after it.

    Everyone to their own
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #5
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    I don’t think he means that he’s launching at 5k at a standstill
    I think what space is saying is that when he’s in sport mode or manual mode he’s giving it a squirt, 1st gear till 5k, tap the paddle to shift up to 2nd

    I find that the car shifts quicker if your still accelerating and are at a higher rev range

    What I’ve found is say give it a squirt, tap from 1st to second, and then back off the gas but want to shift to third that the shift to third takes abit longer to do, however the same thing if your booting it coming onto a freeway onramp or something that the gear changes happen instantaneous basically
    Last edited by smarty; 30-03-2018 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #6
    He's not dropping the clutch at 5000RPM at a standstill for Pete's sake, Hillbilly...

    I find in my DSG Octavia that shifts are smoothest when throttle input is constant. So don't hit 5000RPM and then jump off the accelerator and flick the up gear leaver. Let it change on constant throttle and then back off the throttle. That way you're not loading/unloading the driveline at the same time it's trying to work out what to do with the clutches.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    I don’t think he means that he’s launching at 5k at a standstill
    I think what space is saying is that when he’s in sport mode or manual mode he’s giving it a squirt, 1st gear till 5k, tap the paddle to shift up to 2nd
    Spot on. It shifts at redline in S mode so 5k in M is conservative.

    Thanks for the feedback guys just to clarify, I’m not lifting off the throttle - I accelerate with about 80% throttle from a standstill (no wheel spin) up to about 5krpm and flip the paddle to 2nd.
    It doesn’t do this in S or D because up this particular hill it shifts to 2 much earlier for some reason and I don’t like that because the revs are too low in 2nd and it bogs down.

    I’m not a numpty that thrashes my gear but I bought the 162TSI and expect to live out my midlife crisis from 0 to 100kph once and a while. Not to drive like a hillbilly’s Nana. What’s the point in having cool toys if you keep them in the box and never play with them?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemannz View Post
    Spot on. It shifts at redline in S mode so 5k in M is conservative.

    Thanks for the feedback guys just to clarify, I’m not lifting off the throttle - I accelerate with about 80% throttle from a standstill (no wheel spin) up to about 5krpm and flip the paddle to 2nd.
    It doesn’t do this in S or D because up this particular hill it shifts to 2 much earlier for some reason and I don’t like that because the revs are too low in 2nd and it bogs down.

    I’m not a numpty that thrashes my gear but I bought the 162TSI and expect to live out my midlife crisis from 0 to 100kph once and a while. Not to drive like a hillbilly’s Nana. What’s the point in having cool toys if you keep them in the box and never play with them?
    I like my toys to last and not be a flash in the pan.
    Each to his own
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  9. #9
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    Back on topic, has anybody had harsh shifting from 1 to 2 in M on a steep hill?

    Not a common thing, has anyone even tried it?


  10. #10
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    Dec 2010

    I have got a extremely steep long hill I can try it on but my car won't be here for a week or so, I will do it then if I remember.

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