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Thread: DSG Downshifts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Users Country Flag

    DSG Downshifts

    I have noticed that whenever you are slowing to a complete stop the transmissions only downshifts as far as third gear and then selects 2nd and 1st gear when you have come to a complete stop.
    Just curious to know if this is normal behavior.
    MY18, Tiguan Adventure 132TSI, DAP, Indium Grey.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    A lot of auto cars do something similar. So I’d say it’s normal.

    Your thread has reminded me of something odd with my gearbox lately.

    It often gets close to stalling the engine as I come to a stop- real slow and real quick decelerations are worse, than the middle ranges.

    Plus it now shudders as it comes to a stop. Feels like the clutch is grabbing and then slipping about 3-5 times in the final second of movement.

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