I'm tearing my hair out trying to sort this out
Daylight savings ended on the weekend so I figured, time to uncheck the DST box on the ol' satnav
Turns out that over summer time zone was set to GST+10 and DST was NOT checked
In Sydney, this is clearly wrong.
I now have to set time zone to GST+9 to get the correct time
The DST box is NOT selectable
Looking for any clues from the clue store
I have a MY17 TIG 162 (2016 build) with the Discover Pro (Gen 1)
Edit: well it LOOKS like a Gen1, but the manual says it's Gen2 ... WTaF?
Last edited by The J Man; 04-04-2018 at 06:27 PM.
MY17 Volkswagen Tiguan 162TSI Highline, DAP, Sunroof, Caribbean Blue
MY13 Volkswagen Golf 103TSI Highline, Night Blue
Aww man I think I've been through this before!
Was able to set time/dst properly when car was not running (i.e. in the equivalent of the old school 'accessories' mode)
MY17 Volkswagen Tiguan 162TSI Highline, DAP, Sunroof, Caribbean Blue
MY13 Volkswagen Golf 103TSI Highline, Night Blue