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You just need a an addafuse and an extra ciggy socket as usually the USB ones are 5V and if you plug it straight into a 12v fuse you will fry it. Just buy some trim tools like these and work it into the front of the A pillar between the trim and the screen so it doesnt get hooked by the airbag. I spread the join at the end of the dash beside the pillar trim and threaded it along there up the front of the pillar and it slid into the front of the roof lining in the Passat The Polo had the lining stuck up so just used some bluetack in dabs along the front edge. The ciggy socket is wrapped in the bubble wrap to stop rattles. Took about 30 mins to do it . The rear one is a bit of a mission though
Lastly start at the camera and work down so the left over cable goes in the dash. Dont ask how I know to do it that way LOL
Hillbilly: Why go the expense of buying an in-line power socket? I know that they aren't that expensive, but the 12v-5v converter becomes so big and unnecessarily cumbersome. Allow me to suggest that you think about what value the USB case provides to the exercise.
I normally discard the USB power supply housing entirely and I don't use an in-line socket. It depends on the USB power unit that you are using, but when the case is removed, they nearly all end-up being a small PC board with the USB connector soldered to the board together with a few components. I just solder a small connector to the 12V end (so that I can remove the unit if needed- then I enclose the assembly in a piece of heat shrink tubing. The result is as shown in the picture below - reduced size and less likely to rattle (I usually wrap the device with foam tape)
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