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Thread: Coolant warning

  1. #21
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    Ok so it’s done a a seal on either the water pump housing or thermostat housing or something a-rather, anyway it has to be re booked back in and they said it’s a 4-5 hour job to replace so that’s why it’s slowly loosing coolant. Just thought I’d give the update

  2. #22
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    My 2 day old one has the coolant level cold sitting at the wide part of the tank so will keep na eye on it
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    Ok so it’s done a a seal on either the water pump housing or thermostat housing or something a-rather, anyway it has to be re booked back in and they said it’s a 4-5 hour job to replace so that’s why it’s slowly loosing coolant. Just thought I’d give the update
    Quality car, considering it cost us close to 60k

    I actually wanted to get a Hyundai Tuscon but wifey said no, wanted a european lol
    Daily 2018 Tiguan MK2 Sportline (Drag & Drop Tune, 12.9s @ 108mph)
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  4. #24
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    Yeah but things like this can happen to any car, Hyundai to Maserati, It may be that there was a small air gap in the silicone bead on the initial application of sealant who knows

    At least they pressure tested it and found the problem like I asked and not just ‘topped her up and see how she goes’

  5. #25
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    With all otherserious issue I had on car , this one with Coolant constant top up isminor . It happen since I received I noticed it drink and loosing coolant .Reported to Stealer . first time, yeh ok we find it and fix it, you hadsome bubble trap air in system all god now.. . Yeh right new car andfactory air trap, but ok I swallow it.
    After 2 months again same problem as before under minimum and I needagain top up .
    Next complain and visit to dealer . yes we find it this time it is T plasticwith thermostat broken .. New part installed and replaced . Noticed after2mth. some coolant again lost but didn't reach yet min, so I ammonitoring now.

    However after some research I am thinking that maybe this is notfault ,but design of TSI ,which is new design of EA888 , coolingpipes from engine going directly over turbo and circle around.
    Which give me explanation how come temp on this car reach 90 Degree inabout minute cold engine starting time!

    When I first received car was winter time, and noticed on AID dashboardtemp gage so quick rising to 90 Degree temp in about 30sec, thinking it must be some bug and issue with SW and Coolant tempsensor.
    However this is actually correct and real-time temp reading but just some this engine amazing design which allow you to haveheating in winter in less than minute and plus cooling Turbo and prevent carbonbuild . But we know more heat and circulating around hot turbopipes can also lead to vapouring and lose of bit coolant liquid for result . Ifis coolant lose only because of this VW engine good design and notesome broken damaged pipe in car system than I don't mind to topup bit every 3-4 mth. Less carbon build and longerlife Turbo and super fast heating in winter is amazing tech.
    Here is video explaining ,you can watch from here directly coolant part all complete video

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    ‘topped her up and see how she goes’
    That was their approach on ours unfortunately, it's going down again and now at 11k kms it's back on the lower part of the minimum line.
    Daily 2018 Tiguan MK2 Sportline (Drag & Drop Tune, 12.9s @ 108mph)
    Weekend/Track 1996 Skyline R33 GTS-t Stage 99 (Built Motor, GTX3576 Gen 2, 407rwkW) [Build Thread]

  7. #27
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    hi guys,

    i did not receive a coolant warning but was just doing some checks and find that my coolant is below the Min line. It's only been 6 months since I have the car so I'm puzzled. Another observation is my coolant temp on my AID seems to always be 90, rarely i see it anywhere else at all. Seems odd to me.


    - do i top up with demineralised water? and observe?
    Tiguan Highline 162TSI | White | R-Line | S&V | Sunroof | MY19 (

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolv View Post
    hi guys,

    i did not receive a coolant warning but was just doing some checks and find that my coolant is below the Min line. It's only been 6 months since I have the car so I'm puzzled. Another observation is my coolant temp on my AID seems to always be 90, rarely i see it anywhere else at all. Seems odd to me.


    - do i top up with demineralised water? and observe?
    NO you should buy a bottle of the proper coolant and top it up with that. Says which one on the outside of the tank G13 isnt it ????
    DONT dilute it with water

    90 is usual temp unless really hot day and towing something up hill.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  9. #29
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    The expansion tank (I’m assuming it’s been checked on level ground and at the right temp) should be fine for a few hundred mil of demin water.

    Also, most temp gauges are biased to show their ‘good’ position over a wider range of temps (say 75-105) than is naturally assumed (and indicated by the dial)

    Has anyone tested a tig/golf to see if obd readings change the coolant temp numbers?

    I know in mine the oil temp varies a lot, yet my water temp never budges from the 90 mark(once warmed up) I know there is more water and a better system for maintaining its temp, but past experience tells me it’s not 100% honest.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolv View Post
    hi guys,

    i did not receive a coolant warning but was just doing some checks and find that my coolant is below the Min line. It's only been 6 months since I have the car so I'm puzzled. Another observation is my coolant temp on my AID seems to always be 90, rarely i see it anywhere else at all. Seems odd to me.


    - do i top up with demineralised water? and observe?
    You can top up with the demineralised water, note how much you put in and tell your mechanic to check/adjust the concentration at your next service. Alternatively you can buy VW coolant from dealer and dilute it to 50:50 since it’s a concentrate. You don’t want to top up all the time with the concentrate because once it reach 65% the coolant will boil sooner than when mixed 50:50 ratio.

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