By law the spedo cant read above the posted speed
my Tiguan is about 7 km less at 100kmh
so i have to sit on 105kph to do the correct speed
Hi All,
Does anyone have different speed limits from the nav display to the cockpit warning? There are several roads in SA where I will get a warning for exceeding 60km however the Nav display correctly displays 80km??
Thank you!
By law the spedo cant read above the posted speed
my Tiguan is about 7 km less at 100kmh
so i have to sit on 105kph to do the correct speed
Same for me.
Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
Ordered: 2017 build date Tiguan 162 TSI Highline with DAP in Tungsten Silver and rear luggage tray. ETA: late April / Early May. I did not have to wait.I took delivery on 11 March 2017.
Thanks everyone for your replies and assisstance - to clarify the speed sign on the nav is correct, i.e matches the road sign however the speed warning sign I get on the virtual cockpit (digital display in front of driver) is incorrect. Hope this makes more sense in identifying my issue?
Maybe this has something to do with traffic sign recognition?
Sorry took "Nav" to mean a separate GPS unit. I've got no idea what's going on but sounds like a software update is required.
No I didn’t believe so unless manually activated which I haven’t but I could stand corrected?
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