Received my Built email yesterday. Have also received my VIC number from the dealer. Can anyone tell me how long it generally takes from receipt of the Built email until the car is onboard the ship?
162 Highline R Line with DAP - Tungsten Silver (Ordered 10 Feb - Build Week 21)
Those vw emails are not very accurate, when I got my shipped email, I searched for it and found the ship already a week at sea. But to answer your question a few weeks.
A screen shot I have says week 21 day1
162 Highline R Line with DAP - Tungsten Silver (Ordered 10 Feb - Build Week 21)
Week 30 landing
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MY18 Tiguan Highline 162TSI - DSG - Driver Assistance Package Sunroof- R-Line Package - Indium Grey. Oct Delivery
Received the built email 29/4. Car is at the dock waiting for a ship so 3 weeks so far. Hopefully very soon though, another ship leaving today and another Monday, one of those perhaps? From what I've seen so far the ship manifest goes online roughly 36 hours after it sails so once you're on a ship you're VIN should show up, then you can figure out when it's due to land etc.
MY17 Tiguan 162 Highline | DAP | Rline | Pano Sunroof | Pure White
Stage 2.5 - APR DP, APR Turbo inlet, Muffler delete, IS38 Turbo, APR tune
MY18 Tiguan 162 Highline AllSpace | Sound & Vision | Sunroof | Blue Silk
MY17 Tiguan 162 Highline | DAP | Rline | Pano Sunroof | Pure White
Stage 2.5 - APR DP, APR Turbo inlet, Muffler delete, IS38 Turbo, APR tune
MY18 Tiguan 162 Highline AllSpace | Sound & Vision | Sunroof | Blue Silk