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Thread: Broken Clock Spring?

  1. #1
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    Broken Clock Spring?

    Driving today, turning at an intersection, hear an audible click that came from the steering wheel like a rubber band snapping sound. Instant airbag error, no front assist and start stop error. Didn’t go away after a turn off or turn on, also there hours later.

    Am I terribly unlucky and the clock spring has let go? I know has been in the media for earlier model VW’s.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Repair prices? I’m about 8 months out of warranty..

    I’ve got a OBD11 at home that I’m yet to scan.
    Is it worth going through a dealer to try for goodwill? They have estimated to be $1500 parts and labor fml

  2. #2
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    Confirming have no horn and all the buttons don’t work. Did a scan on the OBD and it confirmed no connection to steering wheel, airbag igniter resistance high etc…

  3. #3
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    It would be interesting to see what failed in your case; I am pretty sure the airbag circuit and data lines are separate cables in the clock spring.

    I would push for goodwill with your dealer, as that is not something that should fail on a car just out of warranty.

    $1500 seems a bit steep, pretty sure the part number is shared, I can confirm tomorrow (5Q0953569A) about $700 new (Valeo branded) or $150 at the wreckers.
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  4. #4
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    I’m not sure I’m gonna go dealer for this fix
    They reckon they can’t see me until 10 November (just for diagnosis), they also quoted $185 for the hour diagnosis where as I’m 99.99 sure it’s the clock now given testing tonight and all the symptoms are there.

    That’s what I thought too, gonna get some independent quotes tomorrow and also another couple dealerships closeish to me for quote and timing comparison (can other dealerships try for goodwill if you have no history with them?)

    That was 8 months out of a 5 year warranty, it’s an my17 and just ticked over 95k.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    I’m not sure I’m gonna go dealer for this fix
    They reckon they can’t see me until 10 November (just for diagnosis), they also quoted $185 for the hour diagnosis where as I’m 99.99 sure it’s the clock now given testing tonight and all the symptoms are there.

    That was 8 months out of a 5 year warranty, it’s an my17 and just ticked over 95k.
    I'd still pursue Volkswagen on this as Australian Consumer Law will come into play for the simple reason it's not fit for purpose if it the part fails within the useful lifespan of the vehicle.

    Furthermore it's a part that could not be modified, abused or or subject to harsh conditions which therefore will favour pursuing Volkswagen on not fit for purpose.

    Without a working horn (and probably disabled airbag) would render the car unroadworthy in my understanding of most states road requirements.

    By chance is there an alternate dealership to use?
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    I’m not sure I’m gonna go dealer for this fix
    timing comparison (can other dealerships try for goodwill if you have no history with them?)

    That was 8 months out of a 5 year warranty, it’s an my17 and just ticked over 95k.
    Have a listen to what auto journalist John Cadogan has to say about Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and goodwill (that predates the ACL implemented in 2011).

    Although this article is specifically about an Isuzu, the concept applies to ACL

    I can also highly recommend a VW independent if needed. But only if you are located near enough to Bayswater in Outer east Melbourne.

    Isuzu 'don't buy' part 2: Responding to your feedback & comments | Auto Expert John Cadogan - YouTube
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  7. #7
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    Have it being fixed on Friday at a reputable workshop. Not at a dealer. Do I have any chance of then forwarding on a request to VW after I’ve paid the mechanic for reimbursement of the replacement part which I was quoted $798 by VW this morning.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    Have it being fixed on Friday at a reputable workshop. Not at a dealer. Do I have any chance of then forwarding on a request to VW after I’ve paid the mechanic for reimbursement of the replacement part which I was quoted $798 by VW this morning.
    If the "reputable workshop" is a VW specialist AND the "replacement part" is OEM purchased/supplied form/by VW, you may be able to get some sort of support from VW Aust. But I'd suggest you would need to do this in writing to VW Aust including a full report from the workshop to support your claim for any support from VW Aust.

    It's worth a try but seeing as most Brands including VW don't provide good after purchase support of their 'customers'

    Let us know how you get on after Friday's fix.
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
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  9. #9
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    $1500 lost of money, where about you , maybe i can help with replacement and installation on new clock spring


    Quote Originally Posted by smarty View Post
    Driving today, turning at an intersection, hear an audible click that came from the steering wheel like a rubber band snapping sound. Instant airbag error, no front assist and start stop error. Didn’t go away after a turn off or turn on, also there hours later.

    Am I terribly unlucky and the clock spring has let go? I know has been in the media for earlier model VW’s.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Repair prices? I’m about 8 months out of warranty..

    I’ve got a OBD11 at home that I’m yet to scan.
    Is it worth going through a dealer to try for goodwill? They have estimated to be $1500 parts and labor fml

  10. #10
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    Thanks booked in tomorrow to be fixed
    $800 for the part and $200 for labour and coding
    The way I look at it it’s really only $175 cos the m12 spline adapter I needs was $25 from the tool shop which I don’t have. For $175 I don’t think is too bad for something to not go wrong for me. I’m sure I could do it but I didn’t wanna have a coding issue or a steering angle sensor issue that I couldn’t correct.

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