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Thread: Pedalbox

  1. #1
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    Apologies if this has already been posted in the Tiggy section but I couldn't fine anything on a quick search.

    Just wondering if anyone has installed the Pedalbox (DTE Systems PedalBox – MK6 / MK7 Golf, Audi 8V / 8P + More – AutoInstruct) or similar in their car.
    If so what car do you have and what were your experiences/if the purchase was worth it.

    I just want to minimise the annoying "lag" between applying throttle and when the vehicle moves.
    I like to use the auto-brake and in my Golf I would have to disable it when entering intersections/streets that require good reaction times.

    I've test driven the same car I'm ordering and usually put the drive modes into Sport for transmission but get the selector back into D for most driving situations and then back into S if I want the best response.
    Just hoping the Pedalbox will save me switching from S & D as well as deactivating/activating auto-brake. Just means a couple things less to worry about.

    ADDIT: Found this link (Pedal Response box) with Gen 1 feedback but again would like to get more feedback on Gen 2 Tiguan.
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Hi, I've used this on our Audi A4 and it was one of the best mods. The lag off the line is border line unsafe especially at roundabouts. I have had a close call when throttle was applied and due to the lag, almost got T-boned.
    The pedalbox has fixed this to large extent. It also makes the car feel very responsive. So much more enjoyable now with the pedelbox.

    Would I recommend it - hell yes!!

    2016 Audi RS3. 2015 A4 Quattro

  3. #3
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    Hi veew,

    Looks interesting. How would this impact on your Warrantee?

    I know the ECU tracks every change in its log files so even if you took it off (looks very easy to do.) the Dealer's Service centre can find its footprints.

    Even DTE state very clearly it is for closed circuit racing only.

    Every ones thoughts would be of interest.

    Thank you,
    Ordered: 2017 build date Tiguan 162 TSI Highline with DAP in Tungsten Silver and rear luggage tray. ETA: late April / Early May. I did not have to wait. I took delivery on 11 March 2017.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delewin View Post
    Looks interesting. How would this impact on your Warrantee?
    ... Even DTE state very clearly it is for closed circuit racing only.
    I'm not sure how it would affect warranty however knowing VW I reckon they would use it as an excuse to void any claim on the drivetrain.
    It is made worse by the website stating the product is only to be used for close circuit racing.

    Honestly I'm torn in deciding if I should go ahead, especially with these sorts of comments being made about the Pedalbox:
    "I have pedal box installed on my mk7R and it's fantastic!"
    "The lowest setting works a treat - removes 90% of the throttle lag. Useful off the mark but I find it more useful in corners - without the pedal box, when accelerating out of a corner the lag is annoying. Having better throttle feel in twistys makes the car more drivable IMO."
    "I initially balked at the cost, but wow, what a difference to the feeling of the car! Loving the fact that it removes that lag in the first few cm of the pedal travel. It really feels like the throttle response that VW SHOULD have implemented for the "Race" setting.
    It feels like it has so much more low end torque (it doesn't, obviously) - But the way most people drive by gradually squeeezing on the throttle induces what feels like lag using the standard throttle mapping. Pedal box definitely kills that feeling of lag in most situations.
    Is it worth $300? Well that's up to you. For me, personally - yes, absolutely. It's really transformed the feeling of the car."

    Another installation walkthrough and review on an S3: DTUK PEDAL BOX Review / Fitting Guide – Audi S3– USERS VIEW |

    So far I have not found anyone who has posted about a warranty claim being rejected or that the Pedalbox has been the culprit of any issues.

    I'm going to see how I go with the car after 6-8 weeks. If anyone ends up getting it for the Mk2 Tiguan I would love to hear of their experiences.
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

  5. #5
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    Seanix's experience:
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

  6. #6
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    PedalBox $330 | Unleashed 4x4

    This is cheaper than when autoinstruct had it in sale for $349. have it for $389 + $18 shipping.

    I've ordered from unleashed yesterda, can't wait to cut the throttle lag!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by veew; 24-11-2017 at 06:22 AM.
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by veew View Post
    PedalBox $330 | Unleashed 4x4

    This is cheaper than when autoinstruct had it in sale for $349. have it for $389 + $18 shipping.

    I've ordered from unleashed yesterda, can't wait to cut the throttle lag!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    There's nothing wrong with that one, but just know that it is the older model. They've released a newer PedalBox+, which I've got on my car. Meant to be slightly improved in almost all areas, and includes an auto adjustment feature which apparently adapts to your car specifically.

    I bought mine direct from DTE in Germany, and paid about $340 for the newer version, delivered.

  8. #8
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    What was the site you bought it from?
    I did toss up about the new vs old but wanted to get one from an Australian reseller in case there were any issues, would be easier to deal with.

    How've you found you pedalbox so far?

    ADDIT: Used the pedal box over the last day. The car feels so much more lively and responsive! There is significantly less tip-in throttle lag.
    In addition to that I don't have to flick in and out of Sport mode or use the paddleshifters to prime the right gear when driving in all situations (freeway, city, twisties).

    Sport +0 on the Pedalbox seems to work well in all driving situations so far.
    Last edited by veew; 25-11-2017 at 09:00 PM.
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

  9. #9
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    Veew, how do the Tig's driving modes imtetact with the modes of the Pedalbox? And does this extra responsiveness impact on the fuel consumption?
    MY17 Tiguan 140TDI + DAP; Ruby Red; Notification of Birth 19 May'17; Emigration on Morning Celesta began 2 June'17; Entry into Australia 17 Jul'17; Citizenship obtained 8 Sep'17;

  10. #10
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    Using DSG Sport with Pedalbox Sport is too responsive, if you still wanted to utilise D and S on the DSG then Pedalbox Eco setting is better as it isn't so responsive.

    I read someone else had monitored their fuel consumption over a long period of time, found it had made no difference.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2017 Mk2 Tiguan 162TSI, R-line, White
    2020 Mk7.5 Golf R Wagon, White

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