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Thread: Auto Engine Start/Stop

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Auto Engine Start/Stop

    400 Bad Request

    I've been reading up on the Auto Engine Start/Stop feature on the new Tiguan.

    Apart from being annoying, it doesnt really sound like it helks with fuel efficiency.

    Is there a way to have this feature off on default?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Someone with a VCDS cable or OBDEleven dongle should be able to assist. Not really switching it off but changing the voltage of when the feature kicks in so it never kicks in.

    MY15 Polo GTI - Red - DA Pack
    MY15 RED Polo GTI 6C - with DA Pack

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcuskmt View Post
    400 Bad Request

    I've been reading up on the Auto Engine Start/Stop feature on the new Tiguan.

    Apart from being annoying, it doesnt really sound like it helks with fuel efficiency.

    Is there a way to have this feature off on default?

    I don't find it annoying at all but people who haven't used it seem to think it is. I agree with you though that it most probably saves bugger all on fuel.

  4. #4
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    My understanding is that this feature is used by pretty much all manufacturers these days and contributes to their claimed consumption figures based on certain driving conditions. To be competitive in the fuel economy area which is pretty hotly contested, manufacturers enable the feature, but in order to be able to use start/stop in their figures, it can't be disabled by default, leaving pretty much every manufacturer to have it enabled without an option to disable it. To be honest though, it doesn't really bother me now that I've got used to it.

    2017 Tiguan 162TSI Highline/R-Line
    2017 Audi S3

  5. #5
    C'mon ... who said to you guys it is about fuel saving?

    It's about CO2 emission, especially important in city traffic. When you drive out of cities, you can always switch it off.

    About changing voltage to disable S/S - it's worst method. You can invert it action, in way that S/S is off by default, but you can always turn it on.
    Not tried on Tiguan, but few months ago my friend asked me to do some coding in his Audi A4 2014 - he had step by step instruction.

  6. #6
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    Robina Gold Coast
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    As soon as i start my Tiguan i switch the bloody thing off

  7. #7
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    I can't begin to imagine how it could annoy anyone that much, 1st world problems I guess. Actually if you brake gently enough the start/stop does not detect the stop and the motor continues to idle. I suppose it does not annoy me because it usually does not engage due to soft braking and if it does engage I don't mind sitting there without the motor running.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    As soon as i start my Tiguan i switch the bloody thing off
    This is also my standard operation, WHEN I REMEMBER TO DO IT.

    It not only annoys the crap out of me, it has proven to be dangerous on a number of occasions, when, not being use to the slow response, I have gone to move into a break in the traffic at a roundabout and nothing happens and then the Tig takes off, putting me in the worst possible position.

    This is the only feature on the Tig I do not like.

  9. #9
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    You don't need to turn it off, just brake fairly softly and it does not work and so it won't annoy you. I must admit the angst this causes amuses me somewhat but each to his own. I have never had it cause any delays on take off, nail the throttle to the floor and it just leaps off the mark.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by drivesafe View Post
    This is also my standard operation, WHEN I REMEMBER TO DO IT.

    It not only annoys the crap out of me, it has proven to be dangerous on a number of occasions, when, not being use to the slow response, I have gone to move into a break in the traffic at a roundabout and nothing happens and then the Tig takes off, putting me in the worst possible position.

    This is the only feature on the Tig I do not like.
    drivesafe: I entirely agree. SS is without a doubt the most dangerous aspect of VW's vehicles - especially when completing a right hand turn against on-coming traffic. Those few seconds that it takes the engine to crank-over, start and then accelerate can be the difference between a near-miss and a catastrophe!

    Sure (as some have mentioned here), it is possible to "trick" SS into not switching-off the engine by not turning the steering wheel too far, or by doing the "SS soft-shoe-shuffle" (i.e. finding the sweet-spot in the brake press where the car is stopped, but SS is not engaged) - but IMO, it's far better when driving to concentrate on the road conditions, rather than to have to think about how to defeat SS.

    And yes - it is possible to defeat SS, by remembering to switch it off before starting the journey- but this shouldn't be necessary in the 21st Century and in a car that is...........well........... not cheap! Why the f#ck didn't the boffins @ VW design the SS off/on button so that it remembers the position at the last ignition switch-off - this isn't difficult to do and it is done with some of other buttons in the car!

    Anyhow, rant over - solution mode now! There are 3 x ways to fix the SS problem: First if you have access to a diagnostic cable/dongle (VCDS, OBDeleven,VCP etc.) there are a couple of tweaks that will work on MQB platform vehicles like the Tiggy. Second (and much better in my view) is to build and install an auto-Start/Stop kill switch - it's not difficult and it's relatively inexpensive see HERE. Or, you could buy and install a commercial product like THIS (it simply plugs into the OBD port under the dash-near your right foot pedal)
    Last edited by DV52; 28-06-2017 at 09:55 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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