The braking method that defeats it is the correct way to brake any car and is taught by or used to be taught by the best instructors. I used to teach advanced road craft and competition track driving and it was the first thing we drummed into the students for road driving. I understand that very few people get taught driving properly and I bet none of the L plate schools teach it either. The plus side is that the passengers do not feel the vehicle jerk to a stop and have a far easier ride. Don't knock what you haven't tried. BTW track driving is the exact opposite, jump on the pedal and try and bend it then modulate to avoid lock up.
I dispute the SS causing problems in traffic and my experience is drawn from three different drivers, two of them used to compete and using two different cars over at least 60,000k. I think that if you know that the system is unreliable you should allow for it in your driving and not expect the car to come to you but as I have said before my experience is that there is no delay and that is from more than one driver in two cars. I used to drive Ford Transits with auto and they had delay deliberately programmed into them so the drivers had to adjust to the delay, this was a deliberate ploy from Ford to eliminate abuse of the transmission and it is curious how anyone who drove one quickly came to the conclusion that they had to adapt or die.
My further observation is that without exception every one of us thinks we are perfect drivers, I have never met anyone who thinks otherwise until shown they are not, self included. I have sat beside drivers that amazed me how good they were over many hours and wished I could emulate them but it is never going to happen. Sorry to go off topic and rant over, subscription ended as there does not seem to be any point looking at this thread any longer.