obdeleven is nice when it works, but right now its giving me the shiits.
WHEN the app detects that it needs to update itself, it stops connecting to any cars.
Effectively, the manufacturer cripples your device.
Definitely NOT good, especially when users may not care about using outdated software (that works).
So, when you're forced to do the update, it fails because Aus is NOT a supported/licenced country.
We're forced to manually download the apk file, and then try to manually launch it on your phone.
Latest Android makes this very difficult (or impossible) because the apk file didn't come from the Play store.
Hoping the sun shines again soon.
Last edited by bgroper; 02-06-2018 at 03:34 PM.
Current : 2017 Mk7 Golf R (most options) || 2012 Golf Mk6 TDi (few options)
Gone : 2004 Bora V6 4Motion (few klms, all options)
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