Originally Posted by
Yeah I've since discovered this. I'm in discussions with VW Corporate via my dealer at the moment.
I'm awaiting a statement from VW as I've challenged them to prove how they can in good conscience advertise a towing capacity like this where no 2500kg caravan in Australia is supplied with anything less than 6% ball weight.
This is borderline misrepresentation/false advertising.
Will let you know what they come back with.
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Well looking at it logically it is after all a euro built car and the number they sell here is a drop in the ocean in the scheme of things.
Caravans in Aus are built out of step to the rest of the world and traditionally have been towed by 4x4 vehicles often with a weight exceeding the vans weight. Actually that is the ideal situation.
Euro vans are built to different specs and generally are much lighter and by careful weight distribution achieve a lighter ball weight.
They also incorporate ESC controllers to help braking and sway. This is gradually being introduced here but not as a rule of thumb in most makes..
Therefore VW and others build for their mass market , which is only to be expected and if you want to tow an Aussie van buy something suitable. I have read the even Amaroks have given trouble towing, with dual mass flywheel problems and people towing in too high a gear and breaking things. Nissan X Trails had big problems with the factory towbar literally ripping out of the bodywork.
Other makes also have foibles and it pays to do your homework BEFORE buying something you THINK may be suitable and then finding out its not.
I know because it happened to me I bought a Patrol 3L auto and then found the van I bought was too heavy for it. Cost me another $23,000 to trade up to a Landcruiser. Nothing like weight, cubic inches of diesel and 145 L fuel tanks for towing my 25ft 3000kg van.
Can your vehicle actually tow 2500kg as GCVM and axle weight limits have to be taken into account.
That is the max allowable loaded GVM of the tug (including ballweight) and the rated GTM (or weight on the wheels only) of the van.
To be precise at any one time it is the actual loaded weight of both which may not exceed the plated GVM and GTM and GCVM
There is a lot more to it than just buying something and hooking up and going.
Personally after driving a Tiguan loaner a couple of years ago I thought it was gutless in comparison to my Passat and too small and light to be towing a decent size van.
Perhaps you should look at some of the Caravan forums. Has been some discussion on them on there about how they go or in some cases dont.
Last edited by Guest001; 11-11-2016 at 09:14 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan