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Thread: 2017 Tiguan reliability?

  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by tigger73 View Post
    I don't see any reason why the gen2 Tiguan will be any different.
    Because of it's a new car. Not matter it is share the same platform or not.

    Not sure with AU/NZ suspension noises, but here, in Poland we're claiming front suspension noises - and there are some differences with those noise types depending on DCC/non-DCC cars.

    I personally had additional issues with plastic cover of back door and metal click-type noises from behind of rear bumper. Also I have lot of plastic noises from interior + some metal sounds from column where drivers seat belt is mounted. I have also very annoying metal noise from drivers door - probably window "fence" (I don't know how to call part which handle window glass inside the door).
    Last edited by bestyjny; 19-02-2018 at 04:00 AM.

  2. #12
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    Hi besyjny
    I absolutely agree with you here is also problems going with new Tiguan 2, but problem is some people here don't want or don't like if you talk about issue or problems. You can be Fan and VW lover however if is problem than it need to showed and pointed out , forums are here to be discussed about not only about good things but most important abut bad things so we get better end product and help VW resolve any fix problems on our cars . I also noticed some users here will defend in start new Tiguan 2 problems even they don't own one or not bare with problems.
    I have also noticed noise issue from around dashboard and radio unit bezel cheap made in India plastic , steering wheel on full turn make some noise . Also annoying noise from passenger front seats , i think is coming from under seats sliding rails , still cant be 100% sure as it stops and come back by self while driving, will try some grease . I don't know maybe on Tiguan 132TSI is been used cheaper material quality build and quality factory finish check than on 162TSi version which most here have .
    What problem is about front suspension noise in Poland? Is this on non DCC or with DCC suspension version Tiguans ? I was thinking soon retrofitting OEM DCC on my 132TSI Comfortline.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by cameleon72 View Post
    What problem is about front suspension noise in Poland? Is this on non DCC or with DCC suspension version Tiguans ?
    On both. Depending on which version you have, noises are different. I'll try to find more videos of mine and upload them.

    About steering wheel sounds, after two tries, my service almost fix it - it was sound like friction sound of cables. I can hear it still, but definitely less than before.

    For now, you can hear how it sounds in terms of driver door window:

    Private video on Vimeo

    with P: tigszyby

  4. #14
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    The problem is not so much people that come onto forums with a problem per se. It's the people that come onto forums to complain.

    See there's a difference.

    People that have a problem will probably already have gone through a number of steps to solve it before posting on the forums and are engaging with the forum community for ideas on how to get the issue resolved. They'll then post back follow-ups and (hopefully) when they do get the issue fixed with what the actual issue was and how they overcame it.

    Then there's people just looking for a scapegoat/someone to wallow in their misery. How much they dislike the particualr vehicle manufacturer, dealer, etc. None of this helps get the problem sorted or helps anyone else experiencing the same issue with how they may be ale to resolve it also.

    So my suggestion is if you have a problem with your car that you engage with the forum community, dealer and manufacturer to resolve the issue and then post up how you went about it and the outcome. That's what forums are for and what makes them great places

    So that's my challenge to anyone having a problem/niggle with their car. Every car has them and it doesn't matter how much you pay there's always something that you could pick on.


    2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline

    2016 Scirocco R, stage 1, 205kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's Scirocco R Build
    2013 Tiguan 155TSI, stage 1, 144kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's 155TSI Build
    2011 Tiguan 125TSI, Stage 2+, 152kwaw (sold)
    - Tigger73's 125TSI Build

  5. #15
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    Bestyjny you are right regarding steering wheel it is happen same to my steering wheel. If you try to do full turn you will notice this squeak rubbing noise, like something rubbing inside from cable or plastic, and once you detect sweet spot only on one place you can than vry shortly turn steering wheel left or right, and only on that spot and it will make annoying sound in each direction . I didn't have this noise till dealer replaced original new steering wheel as we spotted in start when car come new some punch hole in lather and scratches, and since they replaced with new one I have always now this annoying steering wheel rubbing noise. Passenger seat noise goes and come back very hard to diagnose , maybe inside little drawer will need to unscrew and look from bottom seats in upright position where is the trick.

    Regarding your door noise, my advice first buy original at dealer or online VW Door trim panel 10 fastenerclips for your car . Open door trim panel and check all those clips andwires if touching or rubbing , You will not believe how many of this clips when they factory installing get nor properly into place, and get broken inside missing those white plastic spots, which can make your door vibrate with speaker sound on or while driving from road vibration .Some plastic when they installing they are not align properly and once they push in half of clips go inside and half get broken , so door trimpanel not sit properly and have gap even if is not visible from outside.
    All Plastics , bezels
    ,trims etc.. of internal panels in tiguan are almost on clips, no screws . Easy for them to fast install but not god at all for vibration and when you doing retrofits removing and installing back , metal clips can easily get disconnect from plastic and to drop inside of car body and than is really trouble to get the out or almost not possible at all ! Can even make more vibration after.

    Tigeer73 I know what you mean but still from my experience idon't like idea at all bringing brand new car in start to service for suchlots of small quality finish things and my new car been disassembled. From my experience car after service came always with dirty grease spots inside of interiors , inside roof panel dirty finger prints, bad smell on sets etc and I have in my mind bad feeling if problems occur later on that this was because some beginner played in service before with my new car. New car really in this price category really should have not so many small faults and imperfections ( to not talk about big faults which i have posted in other posts and is story for itself) .
    I always will bush manufactures for such bad quality finish regardless if I am myself VW Fan and using VAG cars only for over 20 last years now. If something is not good should be pointed clearly and complained here on forums and in personal, so other are aware of this problem and they can check in start if they car have similar problems. Especially when customer looking quality and decide to pay more and instead value on Asian cars ( which is BTW now very little gap in quality and design and price features is always you get more) on ''Made in Germany reliability and proven EU quality '' but instead you get new car with half of internal parts made in India and made in China with very questionable quality . I like still Germany VAG cars but this is wrong direction if keep silent on problems , they will charge premium price sold as Eu cars but will not improve and use EU quality material products. Just look what happen with Audi q5 they went to Mexico pay now labour triple time less at least cheaper and price went up with new cars 10% . Quality? I am defiantly sure will be not the same as made in Germany! but price it is Made in Germany!. There is no logic and ethic anymore only profit!
    Last edited by cameleon72; 21-02-2018 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #16
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    @Cameleon72 with all those faults, have you asked VW for your money back? What has been the Dealer’s response to all these issues?
    Any advice to share for those that don’t have the skill or wherewithal to pull a new car apart and fix it themselves?

  7. #17
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    I always roadtest the car that I’m going to buy, often more than once and if I see imperfections or small rattles, either point them out or perhaps don’t buy it. I know such badly put together car that needs fixing straight after the purchase is just not for me.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by cameleon72 View Post
    Bestyjny you are right regarding steering wheel it is happen same to my steering wheel. If you try to do full turn you will notice this squeak rubbing noise, like something rubbing inside from cable or plastic, and once you detect sweet spot only on one place you can than vry shortly turn steering wheel left or right, and only on that spot and it will make annoying sound in each direction .
    This is a bit late now I guess, but the noise you're hearing when turning the steering wheel can be the clockspring. It's the cables between the buttons on the steering wheel and the rest of the car. If the steering wheel was turned independent of the clockspring, eg when it was taken off, the clockspring might always be one turn to the left or right when the wheel are otherwise pointed straight forward. The clockspring has about half a turn 'in reserve' so if you turn the steering wheel full left / right it might stretch / damage the clockspring if it's not put on properly.
    132TSI Tiguan Allspace

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