Hi besyjny
I absolutely agree with you here is also problems going with new Tiguan 2, but problem is some people here don't want or don't like if you talk about issue or problems. You can be Fan and VW lover however if is problem than it need to showed and pointed out , forums are here to be discussed about not only about good things but most important abut bad things so we get better end product and help VW resolve any fix problems on our cars . I also noticed some users here will defend in start new Tiguan 2 problems even they don't own one or not bare with problems.
I have also noticed noise issue from around dashboard and radio unit bezel cheap made in India plastic , steering wheel on full turn make some noise . Also annoying noise from passenger front seats , i think is coming from under seats sliding rails , still cant be 100% sure as it stops and come back by self while driving, will try some grease . I don't know maybe on Tiguan 132TSI is been used cheaper material quality build and quality factory finish check than on 162TSi version which most here have.
What problem is about front suspension noise in Poland? Is this on non DCC or with DCC suspension version Tiguans ? I was thinking soon retrofitting OEM DCC on my 132TSI Comfortline.