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Thread: 110 TSI Life Engine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    110 TSI Life Engine

    Hi there, keen to hear people’s views on the 1.4 turbo on the new Tiguan. It does come down to personal preference, but in general terms is the engine underpowered or sufficient (if not wanting to do regular 'spirited' driving)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Everyone has different ideas of what they think in regards to how powerful a car needs to be - but in my opinion, the 1.4L engine is great in the smaller and lighter cars like the Audi A1, VW Polo etc, but in the heavier Golf its borderline, and in the even heavier Tiguan it is definitely underpowered. If your budget allows, I would be getting the 2.0 turbo engine.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
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    I've seen a few reviews on YouTube and they do say its ok, but you are better off spending the few extra k and get at least the the 132. I have a 162 and that can feel docile at times when driving around town (when in comfort mode and not flooring it), so i daresay the 110 may feel sluggish

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Users Country Flag

    In my opinion the 1.4 was underpowered for my needs. I had to ring the guts out of it on a simple test drive. If you're planning to drive between home and the shops, it might be substantial but for long drives with a loaded car it's going to be slow.

    I went for a 132 as it's a good balance between power and economy and came with all wheel drive. I have hit 6.1L/100km on the freeway on a long drive. I thought that was pretty impressive from a petrol and worth the extra cost to have a little more power on tap.

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