I have an MY17 Passat and just upgraded my screen to the second one you pictured (8 inch). The new screen model was 5G6 9191 605B. This was a straight swap for me and needed a new surround (from Aliexpress). The only mod I had to do was trim a lug on one of the connectors (the round one). I didn't need to upgrade the controller unit in the glovebox or do any coding. My controller unit is a 3G0035045D and the previous screen was 8" also, just the older style.
The third picture looks like it's a newer 9.2" screen and needs the glovebox unit upgraded too. It's a pricey exercise = $2K++ and in my view wasn't worth the cost.
There's a good Facebook group around MIB upgrades too - Log in to Facebook
Just do your research first as there seem to be quite a few variants, so your set up may be different to mine.