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Thread: VCDS Tweaks

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by achk View Post
    Anyone in Melbourne happy to help with a few tweaks? For a case of beer?
    Took delivery of a 206 wagon and want things like TMC and Sunroof comfort opening/closing enabled.
    PM me if able to help. Thanks.
    achk: Hi I'm in the north-eastern suburbs - if you haven't had a response yet and you are interested - PM me (no beer necessary - I just need your undying gratitude -

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    ^^^^^^^^^^^ hmm............ lots of "cross-fertilization" of the tweak instructions that are described in detail in the mk7 section of this forum and some of those that have been (largely) copied here! Not surprising given that both the later versions of the Passat and the Golf mk7 share the same build platform (MBQ), and I'm not complaining- I view the replication as the sincerest form of flattery (albeit attribution is a nice thing to have IMO)!!

    But, just to save time and to make the process more efficient - it's much easier to simply find the instructions for your tweaks HERE - I suspect many of these will be the same!

    Finally, for those that have opted for an OBD11 dongle (instead of VCDS), you can find a range of (mostly) suitable tweak instructions for your Passat HERE - again, no need to copy-and-paste the dialogue here!

    Yes, for now, most of the tweaks cross over, but it's probably best to keep a version in here as there are quite a number of features on the Passat that do not feature in other MQB platform cars. If it's stuck in a "Golf" sub-forum then the less technically inclined may never find it.
    MY17 206 R-Line Passat Sedan, Pure White, Sunroof | Spectune STG1 | VWR 600 Intake, TMD, Inlet Elbow | Res Delete

    MY 13 Tiguan 155TSI | Pepper Grey | DSG | Leather | RVC | RNS510 | ACC | 18" New York Wheels -SOLD

  3. #13
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    Has anyone managed to find coding to turn off the beeping sound when the wagon boot/tailgate is opened using the key fob or the boot release button in the drivers door? I was pointed to coding for a Skoda Octavia using OBDeleven on youtube but the adaptation on Skoda doesn't exists on the Passat.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by zfl001 View Post
    Has anyone managed to find coding to turn off the beeping sound when the wagon boot/tailgate is opened using the key fob or the boot release button in the drivers door? I was pointed to coding for a Skoda Octavia using OBDeleven on youtube but the adaptation on Skoda doesn't exists on the Passat.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    So poked around some more in the 6D control unit. Looks like this did the trick with OBDeleven:
    1. Select Control unit 6D
    2. Select Adaptations
    3. Select Production Mode
    4. Set Tone Sensor to "not active"

  5. #15
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    Does anyone know how to remove the nag screen?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by keepleft View Post
    Does anyone know how to remove the nag screen?
    This is how I did it using OBDeleven:
    1. Select control unit 5f
    2. Select Long Coding
    3. Change Byte_23_initial_disclaimer to "Off"
    4. Save setting

    Had a bit of a der moment. This thread is titled VCDS tweaks. Does the OP or anyone have an issue with OBDeleven instructions being added. Happy to start another thread.

  7. #17
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    VCDS screen

    OBD11 screen (as per zfl001

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #18
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    sorry i dont have alarm fitted

  9. #19
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    Trying to enable traffic and I don't quite have the same details as as the Traffic data above.
    On my radio settings I only have 'enable radio data', not the TP option or any mention of RDS? Is there some coding I need to do first to make these show? Radio stations do show scrolling banners and songs etc. But no TP ref on any of the stations and Traffic menu option just has the line through the TP at the top with no info so...?

    We have done the mentioned steps below in VDCS to try and enable everything but no options as above in the Radio set up menu afterwards?
    Enable Traffic Information (TMC)

    Step 1. On "Select Control Module" option click "Select"
    Step 2. Select "5F-information Elect"
    Step 3. Select "Adaptation"
    Step 4. Using pull-down menu, select "Fee Based Traffic Information (TMC)" channel (it's about 20% down the channel list)
    Step 5. Enter "1024" into "New Value" box and click "Do It!" tab.
    Step 6. Click the "Yes" tab in the "Re-code Invalid" screen if it pops up. (mine didn't).
    Step 7. When the screen in Step 5 returns, click "Add to log" to record a copy of the change report.
    Step 8. Click "Go Back" (in Step 5 screen) and exit the VCDS software

    Please note the following after the tweak has been completed:
    1. For TMC to work, "TP" and "RDS" need to be activated in the set-up menu for the radio

    Using VDCS have enabled; light assist, Rear LEDs, reduced auto hold pressure, and tried rain closing so those all seemed to work fine but the traffic one is eluding us currently?

    DV52 wondering if you can help please? I have a March 16 206 Passat, we got them earlier in NZ than Oz but same spec.
    Last edited by snala; 09-05-2017 at 06:17 AM.
    Now: MY16 VW Passat 206TSI R-Line 4motion
    Before: MY14 Skoda Octavia VRS TDI Manual, MY10 Skoda Scout TDI manual

  10. #20
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    snala: So - as I understand for the SUNA service (here in Australia, at east), the actual TMC data is transmitted over the commercial FM radio - it uses a harmonic of the stereo sub-frequency in the RDS signal (I think). The MIB unit (the module that lives in the glove box on a mk7 Golf) combines this information with the GPS data to locate the TMC data on the map that you see on the screen.

    RDS also carries other data on the FM band - like the name of the song being played, or the weather information that is sometimes shown on some FM stations. So, if you have this information displayed, you probably already have a base level of this function activated.

    Now we get to the difficult part - From my work with the MIB units on a mk7 Golf, I have found that the RDS function is enabled via Byte 13, Bit 3 on the 5F control module as per the VCDS screen shot below:

    BUT - as you can see from the screen shot - there are lots of Bits on Byte 13 not shown with VCDS.

    Here is a screen shot from my OBDeleven dongle for Byte 13 showing the Bit which refers to the same " RDS plus" facility as well as a basic RDS function and another reference to RDS on Byte 14 (boxed in yellow) - the reference to RDS plus on the second screen is a duplicate of that on the first screen

    Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way of determining which Bits the OBD11 entries relate-to. So alas I can't make any definitive suggestions for your car. But you could try experimenting!

    Last edited by DV52; 09-05-2017 at 02:56 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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