Thanks Hillbilly, i've just been unzipping it directly to an 80gb SD card and it's in EX-FAT.
Ok will reformat and extract to HDD then copy on FAT-32 SD.
Click on the link It will bring up a box with a file name int it and asking if you want to save it or open it, Save it When you have done that go to location and Unzip it to a folder on your HDD
Get an SD card with 32 GIGABYTE CAPACITY Make sure its formatted in FAT 32
Copy the folder you unzipped it to onto the SD card
Put it in the DISCOVER PRO and tell it to update.
If you have a MAC that you are trying to do it on Chuck it in the bin and use a PC
Last edited by Guest001; 18-06-2020 at 10:20 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Thanks Hillbilly, i've just been unzipping it directly to an 80gb SD card and it's in EX-FAT.
Ok will reformat and extract to HDD then copy on FAT-32 SD.
Passat Alltrack Wolfsburg Edition My18
Try it with that it might work as it seems some reckon it does Where did you get an 80GB card thats a weird size and it wont format as Fat32 without a special formatting program as Fat 32 only works in Windows up to 32GB cards
Also are you using a PC or a Mac
You should have 2 folders named Mib 1 and Mib2 and a file named Metainfo.2text in the root directory of the card
You can extract it directly to the card OK
If you use Discover Care it does all that directly for you
Last edited by Guest001; 05-03-2020 at 12:00 PM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
My bad it is a 32 GB card but apparently not big enough when I try and unzip download into it now comes up with an error and says not enough space on disk. Disk space is 29.7 gb free.
Passat Alltrack Wolfsburg Edition My18
32 gb card IS big enough as I downloaded that file onto one this morning to see if it would do it right Are you sure that like another poster it isnt a 32 MEGABYTE card instead of a 32 GIGABYTE card
What machine are you using because MACS cause more problems than they are worth
My card says 28GB used 1.8GB free
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
No dice it's still saying : "Error: no data available please insert a source with software. or check the source"
Used a windows 7 machine this time and Fat32 as ive downloaded the file onto 2 different machines. For some reason I get a size error using the win10 machine.
I have the correct files downloaded Mib1, Mib2 and Metainfo.
I suspect that the Scandisk is the issue but i'm sure I used a similar one last time.
I'll pick up another SD card on the weekend and give it one more shot and if it doesn't work just wait for the next update. Thanks for your help.
Passat Alltrack Wolfsburg Edition My18
It definitely works Buy a 64GB card then and put it on that Sandisk arent always the best but i have an old 128 gb one that I also put the map on and it loads in the car. You do have a DISCOVERY PRO. dont you
Cant work out why it doesnt work as I havent had any trouble using any of several make of cards. I have a WIn 10 machine
Data for card Used space 30,124.523.520bytes 28.0GB
Next map will be June usually
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
I had a similar issue a while ago with the message "Error: no data available please insert a source with software or check the source". Turned out to be a download issue with the file not the SD card.
My download missed some files so I retried another go, looked over the file size and numbers and noticed a slight difference.
I now use a 3rd party download program as my internet speed is still trying to cope with Y2K.
Flipper Dog
Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI
I use Xtreme download Manager, as I had the same problems each time previously. Downloaded first time last night, loaded in car on the way to work. 64GB SD Fat32
Passat Wolfsburg 2017