The chime is off then.
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It s the overspeed alarm for whats on the roadsign and Ive reset it to much higher so I dont get it as much but having to have it 50 over is a bit much
Mine had to change from Road sign Fusion to just Road sign detection to make it work in A5 Adaptation /Road sign detection Fusion Mode
Just been up the road a little way where there are several different speed zones Heres what happened.
Took off No speed signs Car showed 60 (correct) But!!! no sign
Left shops showed 60 still correct Turned corner onto main road NO SIGN Changed to 70 as I turned.
200m around sweeping corner is the 80 sign stayed at 80 and popped up the "TSR is working in restricted mode" NO SOUND
Turn into off ramp changed to 70 NO SIGN Get to the 80 sign and it changes up.
Shortly after is the 60 sign which it changes to correctly.. It didnt pick up the 100 sign on the left of the right hand road going to the motorway
WTF is going on as it changes to speeds that arent there without a sign anywhere
GPS has historic speed areas still in it?????????. A bloody mystery as it has done the same on the highway at roadworks where it has changed to speeds not shown and no signs to indicate speed anywhere in vision
Heres where I travelled from bottom left to Coles then up to intersection at top centre then left across
and down slip road back to bottom left
Google Maps
The Fusion part means that it's fusion between GPS data and Camera Data. The Camera data is fine but the additional meta data is missing in the maps data for the speed, despite showing it in your main GPS screen. Unless they put the right information in the mapping data for AUS (I highly doubt it) then you're not going to get fusion working without it complaining. *EDIT* I think it has the right data in maps for highways/motorways, just not streets.