Active information display help
Active information display;
shows radio stations, but the radio
shows the song played but does not show the song list
Could it be a problem?
arrow button does not zoom the map
song does not appear as a list
radio does not appear as a list
How can I solve
Address 17: Tools (J285) Tags: | 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
Part No SW: 3G0 920 791 C HW: 3G0 920 791 C
Component: KOMBI 407 3195
Coding: 07AD0018FF8C000801886B0B1000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 01545 995 12345
ASAM Data set: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009.058
ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_VW48.rod
VCID: 29619B41486CBD02A2-807C
Address 5F: Information Selection. (J794) Tags: * None
Part No SW: 3G0 035 045 A HW: 3G0 035 045
Component: MU-HN-RW H42 0343
Serial number: A601J0FB001330
Coding: 0284010AFF00000051110001000908001F0106E401200000DE
Store Number: WSC 12345 123 12345
ASAM Data set: EV_MUHig4CGen2HBAS 001001
001001 ROD: EV_MUHig4CGen2HBAS