Failing battery can cause light shows like that
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
@Gutoneto: Hi again - are you settled-in yet? Hope everything is OK in your new abode!
Hmm........ no offense and maybe I'm reading a different SCAN, but I suspect that your interpretation of the U010000 errors is a tad erroneous. Yes, the 2 x error messages have been recorded in the 02 module - but again with no offense intended, the story they tell me is that the culprit here is perhaps the 01 module (not the TCU).
My reading of these errors is supported by the fact that the Gateway module has also recorded the same U010000 error.
So, my hunch is that this problem may have its genesis in the 01 module's ability to remain in continuous communication with the central CAN spine on this car - I think!
The "usual" reason for module comms failures is either a problem with the CAN high/low wires (open/short circuit), or a power supply problem. The intermittent status of the errors on this car suggests that perhaps a multi-meter and a wiring diagram might be useful as a prelude to focused diagnostic testing (dependent on OP's answer to my question below).
@Polska111: Please confirm that the Engine Control Unit (ECU) on this car is factory original and that there have been absolutely NO (meaning "none") coding changes to this car.
Alas, there is NO Freeze-frame data in your SCAN as I requested. Clearly you have chosen to post-up yesterday's SCAN - which is entirely your prerogative, of course! The missing data greatly restricts how the story-line in your SCAN can be read -so I can't comment except to reiterate that it would help to have Freeze-frame data (especially given the multitude of errors on this car)!!
Anyhow -do the following (if you want):
- Enable Freeze-frame as I requested and make a fresh SCAN.
- Then clear ALL errors and cycle the ignition (without the engine running) - do the errors re-appear?
- Then start the engine - do the errors re-appear?
Last edited by DV52; Today at 06:14 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
As the vehicle is currently at the shop I cannot conduct a scan, however, the ECU is original, and has 1 minor coding change which was to enable paddles (as I had a steering wheel swap).
Forgive my newbieness,but what is the 01 Module, the ECM/ECU?
Now that think of it, this issue did first arise after I did a “disable safety disclaimer” code change (via an obd11 app) which I have since reversed. I could not imagine how this could have been the cause however being such a basic on/off code change.
I did not have the vehicle to re-scan with freeze frame, however if they are unable to diagnose the issue or if they are unable to do it within a reasonable time I will go back and re-scan with FF enabled. I was unaware this was a feature until I had posted in here, so thank you to all who have recommended enabling it!
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Last edited by Polska111; Today at 09:14 PM.