I know this sounds odd but I can relate to it, VW recommend the beltto be changed at 210ks, unless the car has been in extreme conditions e.g.Fuels containing sulphur, long periods of idling high dust levels, towing, stopand go traffic, driving in winter conditions…(that's the double edge sword).From my experience these engines are designed to go up to 210ks withoutchanging it and I have seen it with my own eyes living in Europe, think justabout the winter conditions -10,-20 degrees and these engines withstand thateach year, plus the traffic and road conditions..totally different to what wehave here in Australia, population is much more dense, traffic is much morecrowded, road conditions are not the best etc..
I'm not saying not to change it but I caught out mechanics tellingme it needs to be changed at 115ks others at 105ks, there is not a set intervalthat they can tell me it needs to be changed at other than looking in theservice schedule from VW. That’s the issue I found, some just want your moneyand scare you about it because they know not many people have the knowledgeabout the cars…
Just some food for thought…