Hey guys, having a few issues with the wagon ticking over. Once its going, generally runs ok, but warm or cold kicking it over sounds cringe worthy. I am in the process of working out how to upload a video, but im starting to not want to start it the car at all now. It's due for a service, but i dont feel its THAT due.
I let it warm up a bit longer with the glow plugs, but it makes no difference if its warm or cold.
Runs like a dog at low revs when its cold, but if i leave it in sports, at higher revs, no problems.
Hopefully some of this sounds common...
Last edited by squnityninja; 07-03-2021 at 06:42 PM.
This vision is the bearable sound.. it has been worse, where it just wont start at all.. But that first sound when it kicks over is the point of concern.