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Thread: R36 loss power- misfiring

  1. #21
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    This is what a knock sensor looks like. They are secured to the engine with a bolt and have a wire harness going to them. They bolt to the engine block and essentially listen for knock or pinging and then they send that info to the ECU which will adjust timing to reduce the chance of damaging the engine.

    There are 2x knock sensors on the VR6 engine, one at the front and one at the back.

    Bosch - 030905377C - Knock Sensor - 165mm
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  2. #22
    Thanks Lucas, are the part numbers exactly the same for both sensors?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
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    Nope, it all went back together pretty easily. The oil pump drive pulley supplied wiht the kit didnt fit, s i used the original, but it had little wear on the teeth profile so just went with the roll of the dice.. turned out well..

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy786 View Post
    Thanks Lucas, are the part numbers exactly the same for both sensors?
    Quite likely to be - but something you might want to check with VW before you order the parts.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  5. #25

    Update, been to a specialist, they diagnosed the issue , long story short it the brake booster. leaking as its hissing on idle but goes away when brake pedal is pressed.

    How easy are these to replace brake booster? some say the engine has to come out to get to it?

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