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Thread: R36 Central Control Module

  1. #1

    R36 Central Control Module

    Hi everyone, I need to replace the above and the current part is 3C8 937 049 F. I can't seem to find the exact one so which others will work? Are the newer ones ok as long as they're off an Australian delivered vehicle? Thanks in advance!

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  2. #2

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag
    As long as the part number is the same, then it should be fine. The letter (F) at the end is the iteration. Anything higher (G, H .. etc) is an improved part and will work better. You can also use the same part with the same part number but a lower letter, however it might have a design problem that they later on fixed in (F). I you are buying new, always get one with highest letter.

  4. #4

    I got one with a 'H' designation from the UK but it would not accept a software update from VW, I can only assume I need an Oz delivered unit, and from what you're saying a current one......

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