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Thread: Passat r36 oil consumption

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    It’s interesting that Penrite list hpr5 5/40 as an option for the 3.2L vr6 but only lists 5/30 for the 3.6?
    Our 3.2 uses about 1Lt between services. I’ve always used hpr5 as I think the 5/30 is more aimed at economy rather than looking after the engine.
    Any car will also use more if you drive it hard or tow.
    I wouldn’t be worried about 500ml in 3000km.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2023
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    Yep I'm not sure. I would like to know as well. Yeah well I don't even see any oil residue on the exhaust pipes... Only "soot" or unburnt fuel
    Last edited by Gerzos; 10-05-2023 at 06:11 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    The VW standard 1 litre per 1000 km maximum oil consumption before they accept a warranty claim so you are a long way from that. I would use 5w40 Oil that meets the OEM spec.
    2013 Touareg V8 TDI R line and spanner on my sons Mk4 R32

  4. #14
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    In my B6 3.2lt with nearly 350K kms I use a thicker oil in summer time such as fully synthetic 15W50 since at those kms I don't need to worry too much about valve clearances anymore. In cooler months however I use 10W30 or 15W40. But I do agree that generally speaking some oil consumption, especially in older VW models, is typically expected.

    High/er oil burning can also be caused by hotter running engine due to coolant deterioration. In my case the oil burning seem to vary from service to service but I suspect is due to factors such as style of driving, highway/city use ratio. I tend to change my engine oil every 5-7 thousand km as the price for oil is relatively cheap in comparison to having an engine change.
    2006 VW Passat Sedan 3.2lt AXZ, FSI 4motion, another milestone - 368K ... and still going

  5. #15
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    May 2023
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    Wow nearly 350k. Amazing. What have you had to replace on it? Anything major?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerzos View Post
    Wow nearly 350k. Amazing. What have you had to replace on it? Anything major?
    I've been lucky thus far nothing major but the PCV valve replacement (parts & labour) cost me a packet.
    The EPB control module was probably my own fault but a second hand part was cheap and I've installed it myself. Same with upgraded Canbus module and radio head unit. Aside from that just wear and tear stuff - tires, brakes and rotors, front/rear suspension bushes, battery.

    That said with this sort of mileage I'm acutely aware the cars' days are likely numbered. I'm getting 'creaks' from front struts, electric steering and Haldex coupling. Lately, I've been getting ESC warning light coming on now and then.
    Still, I'm hopeful of getting to 500K km though - is it possible? Well, that a $64K question.
    2006 VW Passat Sedan 3.2lt AXZ, FSI 4motion, another milestone - 368K ... and still going

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