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Thread: Liqui Moly Diesel purge air went into engine and now wont start

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Albany, WA

    Unhappy Liqui Moly Diesel purge air went into engine and now wont start

    So I decided to do the Diesel Purge and a lot of liquid coming out became brown this time. So I was thinking about how I can go get another bottle and decided to jump in and rev it a bit, unfortunately at this stage the intake pipe fell out and engine stopped. So I filled the pipes with diesel from the tank as much as i could and reconnected everything. I have primed the pump by ignition on and off 10 times (I think I need to do more) but car is not starting.

    Any help will be appreciated.
    My08 Passat BMR engine done 150K kms.
    Recently had P0471 error but there was no problem running the car.


  2. #2
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    Ps Currently got a battery top up connected, last thing I need is a dead battery.

  3. #3
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    Verify that the intank pump does in fact run.

    Have seen a few of these that will quite happily run off the tandem pump, after the in tank pump has died. You don't notice it until you open the fuel system (to replace the filter, for instance), and it won't re-fire.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks will do, and appreciate the response. have marked it to be shifted to diesel section.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yup so high pressure pump is working. I will open the end going into engine and try to prime it all the way-Should have done it already, the brown stuff messing with my head still lol. Any other ideas Thanks

  6. #6
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    OK, so when priming pump air and fuel splurging out from the filter end of pump but nothing from engine end

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    So tried putting fuel in all the way. Could the fact be that there is injectors cleanr in system cause problems so not starting?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ok, so car started about an hour ago, thanks Umai response sometimes clears the head. The fuel system needed to be primed got a bit of a shudder then stopped, so primed filter again, then held the return line under pressure and kept priming. Had to release a few times till fuel started coming out of the return line. (released the return line into liqui moly container a few times for pressure release)

    Can anyone please tell me the part number of the fuel hose running from filter to metal channels. I need to replace them as a few got partially scratched at the surface and I need to change a few of the spring clips (what are they really called and what the hell happened to using good old Jubilee clips.)

    If anything like this happens very important to have a battery charger/supply. Mine went quite low and I had to use my Bosch C7 to top it up and keep it there.

    So I will do a service and change the oil as well as fuel filter. How soon can I repeat the Diesel Purge does any one know? As this gunk looks terrible.
    Seems like either the diesel in our area is super bad or one of the service guys didnt change the filter during past services.

    I will also buy a Ross tech cable, any suggestions which one would be the cheapest option for me.

  9. #9
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    Use the diesel fuel additive evertime you fill up (not that expensive and maintains good fuel economy, so it kind of pay for itself, let alone lower maintenance costs) and you probably never have to do it again.
    To void extended cranking, I use the scanner to prime the fuel system after fuel filter change.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Use the diesel fuel additive evertime you fill up (not that expensive and maintains good fuel economy, so it kind of pay for itself, let alone lower maintenance costs) and you probably never have to do it again.
    To void extended cranking, I use the scanner to prime the fuel system after fuel filter change.
    Yes I regularly use Moreys and use the liqui diesel fuel clean and boost once an yr. Thats why I am thinking during one of the service the fuel filter has been missed or it could be due to the fuel.
    We dont have BP ultimate diesel here, so using Vortex Diesel, previously the car was exclusively on BP Ultimate in QLD.

    Which scanner do you use Transporter?

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