Hi Jakey, where did you get the wheel centre caps from? Mine have seen better days too. I also have a dead LED in my right taillight, but it's not really noticeable and I can live with that.
Printable View
Cars245 is the website, I would suggest joining and searching the Australian R36 Owners Group on Facebook for Cars245, been some posts about it with good info. But short version sign up, find the part number for the part you need, order, ask them to change payment method to PayPal if you don't want to do an international wire. Pretty painless.
Anyway I've tried:for ages and can't get a pic up - extremely difficult.
Looking forward to putting my plates on my immaculate R36
wow $900 for a grille, i can't imagine what the dealers would be asking here.
Nice plates! I have RRR036 for TAS!
To add a photo you'll want to click the "Insert Image" icon.
Attachment 50382
Then Click from computer.
Attachment 50383
Once you've done this, you'll see the option to "Browse" as per below.
This part will depend on if you're on a Windows PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad or Android device. But you should be prompted to select your photo somehow and "select" it or similar.
Attachment 50384
The last step is to hit "upload file(s)" as I've underlined here. It's a bit easy to overlook. You can only upload one file at a time, despite it saying "File(s)" as well.
Attachment 50385
Hope that helps.
What was involved in getting the crackle map? I've been waiting for something like that for the last 6 years!