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Thread: Front End Protection -Bull Bar?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Point Cook, Vic
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    Front End Protection -Bull Bar?

    Hi has anyone fitted or know where we can get a Bull bar or front protection for front of our Passat wagon. We are heading off around Australia and will at times be in remote area's where the wild life are know to commit suicide by attacking passing vehicles. Have tried all the better know 4WD places but they cannot help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Your best protection is not to travel at dusk or dawn.

    The organisation I work for does about 800k of country mileage pr year and that's one of our main safety rules.

    We used to run some form of frontal protection on most of our country cars but that is becoming less common as the accessory becomes impossible to obtain.

    It was also noticed that if the bull bar was attached to the mounting brackets with reasonable sized bolts the damage to the chassis was greater than the cosmetic damage to lights / bumpers / bonnet etc.

    When shear bolts were used the level of protection was not much greater than without a bullbar (wallabies were easily deflrcted but full size roos and wombats still killed the vehicle.

    As a result, many of our country cars just run a light bar and better lights for night work. We've also been told to slow down.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Unless you get an ADR approved airbag compliant Bullbar you wont be able to legally fit one.

    I did 50,000k on our trip around Aus and wasted my money on a bull bar.

    Never even got close to hitting an animal.

    As said dont travel early or late in the day. Most vanners were parked up by 4pm so were Ok.

    A bit of advice Its not the first Roo that jumps out you need to watch Its his mate running late behind him. LOL

    PS Hard enough to get a good towbar, have never heard of any bull bar being made for a Passat.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Point Cook, Vic
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    Thanks Guys, basically decided on what you have advised. It would be unusual for us to travel at dawn or dusk.

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