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Thread: Engine stuttering - '08 Passat tdi

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Launceston, TAS

    Engine stuttering - '08 Passat tdi


    I've done a fair bit of reading up on this and have some suspicions of what's going on, but I figure I'll ask my own questions anyway...

    Here's the situation; we've had the car for about a year and it was all fine, but then I started noticing that when I put my foot down to overtake things would stutter a bit, like it was misfiring or not getting enough fuel. Sort of like when the points are going on an old dizzy car. It seems to be getting worse. We were in the hills around Mt Bawbaw a little while ago and it started doing it and then the glow plug light came on and the computer was saying get it to a mechanic, so we changed our plans and slowly drove it 200kms home and left it at the (VAG specialist) mechanic. He found a fault with the exhaust gas temp probe so replaced it, but it hasn't fixed the problem. It happened again at the top of Mt Buller a few weeks back; this time it didn't seem to want to shift out of 2nd but it would rev high. It didn't last long, and once we'd unpacked the car and I started it up again everything seemed fine. I dropped it at the mechanic again and he had it for a few days. He recognises there's a problem but he's not sure what it is. There's no codes. He didn't charge me for the investigations he did.

    I can elicit the symptom easily now. Driving around with a light touch on the pedal everything is fine, but if I put my boot down a bit, it stutters. I'm not brave enough to do this to the point of getting the engine fault light to come on. Reading around, it could be a few things, but I'm actually thinking it might be a DSG thing. It's coming up to 120k and the DSG was last looked at at about 60k. I've read that if the oil is old/low it might get all muddled up or something.

    As an extra bit of information that may or may not be relevant; I was parked with the car facing uphill a while back and it wouldn't start after being left overnight with a less than half full tank. Rolling back to level, it started fine. I haven't had a chance to try to make this happen again.

    I'm thinking I'll book it in for a DSG service, and I need to replace the AC compressor too. Do any of you have any other obvious thoughts? It'd be totally cool if someone said "Oh yeah, that's obviously such-and-such (and it's really cheap to fix)"


  2. #2
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    I’m not too sure on the stuttering but what is wrong with your AC compressor? There is a very common issue with the compressor control valve that is easily fixed by purchasing that part separately and replacing and regassing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    If it's only happening under load it could be a fuel delivery issue like a blocked in tank filter?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanmau5 View Post
    I’m not too sure on the stuttering but what is wrong with your AC compressor? There is a very common issue with the compressor control valve that is easily fixed by purchasing that part separately and replacing and regassing.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll get searching. The aircon works when it works, but it takes a while to get going sometimes, and then seems to stop and start. Sometimes it works for reasonably long periods, sometimes it doesn't. The mechanic said the compressor would need replacing soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Passat my07 View Post
    If it's only happening under load it could be a fuel delivery issue like a blocked in tank filter?
    That's the sort of thing I was thinking, or maybe the lift pump in the fuel tank, which might match up with the not-starting-on-an-incline thing. I'm assuming the mechanic had a look at those things though, but I guess I shouldn't assume.

  5. #5
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    Mine can take up to 10 minutes of driving to finally start blowing cool air. Check out the compressor on the car, mine is a Sanden PXE16 and the control valve is faulty so there is a good chance that could be your issue also (a $23USD part)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Albany, WA

    Hi, any tips on where to check for the part manufacturer?
    Thanks in advance/

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