Bump! Anyone? Here's a video with the sound enhanced;
I've got a noise when the DSG shifts from second to third and from fourth to fifth gear. Am not sure if this one is one of the common DSG issues, or is simply a clutchpack needing replacement?
Video here: Shared album - Torgeir Veimo - Google Photos
It occurs only in certain circumstances depending on how hard I'm accelerating, and when the RPMS drops from about 3000 rpm down to just over 2000 RPMS.
132TSI Tiguan Allspace
Bump! Anyone? Here's a video with the sound enhanced;
132TSI Tiguan Allspace
I cannot hear anything, could be due ot a lot of background noise where I am at the moment. Is it under warranty/extended warranty. You can take it to dealer or to Prestige and performance coorparoo or contact Greg Roles. VW Gold Coast is also fairly active on forum you can contact them and mention VW watercooled. Good Luck.
The noise (screech, burp), is when the RPMs drop from 3k down to 2k.
132TSI Tiguan Allspace