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Thread: Buying first Passat

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Hey guys,

    Firstly, please accept my appologies for making this thread a bit off and for not been here the last days, but I have some good news that might help others.

    I should have looked here before making a decision to buy this car. However, I had no much choice with 9.5k budget and a Holden Astra with 250,000km to trade in (or disposal).

    That's right. Passat was and continues to be under seller 90 days warranty (I bought on 27 July this year). Before I decided to tow to VW, I got their consent. I also called VW customer helpline and VW was very positive towards granting a goodwill warranty. So I took the chances.

    Thanks Hillbilly!

    Tigger73 I was living in Brazil until 2014, then I moved to Australia (sorry for the misspelling, I guess only in Portuguese the correct form is "s", ie Brasil, American, UK and Australian English use "z").

    In Brazil, the statutory warranty is exactly the same in Australia (90 days from seller been a lincensed dealer and no warranty from private sales).

    But moving to what may help others...

    I towed Passat to Sydney City VW on Tuesday, they diagnosed an internal fault within selector fork for reverse gear. They sought assistance from VW on Wednesday (I also called and gave them a background of the fault and the vehicle history). They approved the goodwill warranty at the same day, authorising Sydney City to replace not only the selector fork, but also the mechatronics!!! The service and the parts were absolutely free from charges!!! Then I authorised Sydney City to proceed with the 105,000km service as well. Yesterday in the evening I pick it up.

    That's why despite all things that VW may did wrong, such as using DQ-200 on high torque engines, they have goodwill to fix it or at least I believe so. I learned back in Brazil similar stories, which doesn't necessarily apply in the same way for others manufactures.

    Thank you all for spending time reading my 'little drama' hahahaha!

    By the way, I have VCDS and anyone that needs it is more than welcome (I live in Little Bay, near to La Perouse and Maroubra).
    Last edited by iran; 18-08-2018 at 09:04 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Canberra, ACT
    Users Country Flag

    Awesome news!

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