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Thread: broken cogwheel on throttle actuator control body aka. intake manifold flap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Ipswich, QLD
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    Question broken cogwheel on throttle actuator control body aka. intake manifold flap

    my second post...

    hi guys!
    about a month ago my passat started throwing dash lights, the glow plug and engine light one- along with loosing a tiny bit of power irregulary. went away, came back again went away... car still driving fine. got myself a ross-tech cable and vcds software and scanned the error codes: throttle actuator body (intake manifold flap/anti-shudder valve) as well as airmass meter sensor not happy... did some googleing and went to VW to get a quote for the flap thingy- $450. they also said, it probably is that and not the sensor.

    well, the other night I took out the thing and cleaned it with special spray (i know now this pointless). also opened up the gear body which is where i found a that one of the cogs has two broken teeth which is most likely the reason why the thing 'intermittently' failed aka. 'stuck open' or stuck closed. have put it all back together and back into car, cleared error's and so good so far.
    i will have to get it replaced obviously and probably sooner rather than later, but $450 for a tiny, bloody plastic cog? ridiculous! any ideas? i have gotten a quote for a 'second hand' ie. from a wrecked car for $325, but to be honest that's even more insane-could fail the very next day after putting it in... but then I found this thing with the VW part number printed on their quote, online from europe for some $100 bucks less incl. freight and even more substantially less from china/aliexpress for some $125!. any thoughts or comments on that?
    last question: according to my paperwork i have a 125TDI aka. 125KW, i think MY09 but built in 08. that means it's got the CBBB engine- does it make a difference in this particular part (the intake manifold flap) as supposed to the 100KW or 103KW 2.0 TDI engines, ie. i think CBA... engine code? reason im asking is, because I keep finding the online resources only mention the later, but not the CBBB engine to be a fit for the VW # 03L128063AF (the flap).

    thanks for reading/ your time!
    cheers, Oliver

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    These flaps die from oil ingestion into the electric motor anyway. The revised part takes care of that too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ipswich, QLD
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    thanks for your link!

    been browsing and figured now that I have to select year 2009 to be able to find my cars engine code CBBB. also it told me that the original part is no longer available and superseded by the '...AF' version of the part which VW quoted me. now it all makes sense...

    i might just go ahead and order the part from the UK or even china... will see.

    excellent. cheers guys!

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