Yet another thread about this yes sorry. But I have trawled and searched for weeks to get a clear indication of the issue on my car. But I thought Id start a thread to help sort it out. VWs use alot of oil yes. But mine is getting rediculous.
In 4000 kms Ive used 1 and a half 4 L containers of oil.
Then it started missfiring. So clearly oil is getting into the cylinders.
I first changed the PCV valve to eliminate that possibility at $180 which didnt do anything.
Then I pulled out the spark plugs and inspected them. They were terrible. A car that is only 5 years old and 160k kms shouldnt run like this.
So put in new ones today. Runs much better.
There was an unrelated fault (coolant leak) which I fixed which meant I had to remove the intake manifold. While that was off i noticed big blobs of dried up oily gunk on the intake valve shafts.
So i need to determine where the oil is getting into the cylinders from. So i blocked off the pcv pipe to pre turbo pipe and routed that into a bottle. After a week of driving that was still clean. So it appears the engine has no blow by at all.
These engines run a vacumn pipe from the intake manifold to the pcv valve. The pcv valve is a complex thing on these engines. Having two separate valves. So i was thinking maybe under boost oily blow by air is being blown through this pipe directly into the cylinders. Ive set up a temporary system with a glass bottle to capture it if anything is going that way.
I also took apart the intercooler piping only to find a little oil. Not much. So thought maybe the turbo seal on the intake side is leaking but it seems now maybe it isn't.
Anyway now driving it like this with the pcv gasses isolated from the intake system so if oil is still contaniminating the cylinders then it must be either rings or valve stems seals.
Looking for information from anyone familiar with these engines and these symptons before I pay for a mechanic to rebiuld the engine.
Anyone got some advice?
The car has a recall sticker on it. But dont know if this was for lean engine 118TSI issues or DSG repair.
The 7 speed dsg is junk and used to shudder on take off so ive reset the dsg and now its fine.