Where do you think the oil is going? Turbo? Valve guides? Rings?
Did the bores get a good hone?
Sad to say that 118TSI and the twincharge on the Polo GTI are notorious for oil consumptions.
My daughter's tutor has a 118TSI Passat wagon and our friend had a Polo GTI, both drank over 1L/1000kms. The friend sold their Polo after 3x "rebuilds" but the tutor has persisted as she can't afford to change cars. Both were new cars.
Where do you think the oil is going? Turbo? Valve guides? Rings?
Did the bores get a good hone?
The common issue is the piston rings, however obviously you need to confirm it first or you will end up like Jwarnes, doing a full rebuild with no success. Bores on most modern/VAG engines can't be honed as they are silicon coated(?) and doing so utterly ruins them.
The only fix required was replacing pistons and in some cases conrods, as the later make pistons had a new matching rod.
Volks Handy
Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.
I don't know if this is the same, my wife's Polo GTI has just had the oil injectors replaced because of the consumption issue, it is a Technical Bulletin from the factory, but not a recall. Local dealer claimed car was acceptable my normal dealer ran the vin and did the injectors under warranty. Over 2000k since and level is 2 mm from the full mark, so all good so far.
Good to hear.![]()
Happy to report the engine is using less oil now. I think its more in the area of 250ml per 2000kms. Piston rings must have bedded in some more. There is no longer any smoke visible at all when I floor the accelerator for an extended burst and there is more power!
Now my biggest problem is the DSG lol. She needs an update!