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Thread: B6 3C TDi, Oil in Coolant, Coolant Loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Brisbane, QLD
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    B6 3C TDi, Oil in Coolant, Coolant Loss

    My 2006 TDi is losing coolant. The alarm comes on and the reservoir is empty about every 10 minutes of running.

    There is a lot of brown oily sludge in the reservoir but there doesn't seem to be any milky residue and the oil level has remained constant and the cap has no sign of milky crap either.

    This happened rather suddenly. The first alarm came out of the blue. I filled the coolant tank and it was alright for about two days of commuting. Then it happened again, and since then, constantly.

    I had the timing belt and water pump changed about 20,000 km ago, so I don't think it's the water pump, as some posts suggest. There is no steam coming out of the exhaust, either. Nor does there seem to be pools of water under the vehicle.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: Here are some photos of something I just noticed today. I think that brown crap is the contents of the cooling system...
    B6 3C TDi, Oil in Coolant, Coolant Loss-20190926_145426-jpgB6 3C TDi, Oil in Coolant, Coolant Loss-20190926_145415-jpgB6 3C TDi, Oil in Coolant, Coolant Loss-20190926_145419-jpg
    Last edited by GH3K; 26-09-2019 at 03:50 PM. Reason: Added photos

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH3K View Post
    My 2006 TDi is losing coolant. The alarm comes on and the reservoir is empty about every 10 minutes of running.

    There is a lot of brown oily sludge in the reservoir but there doesn't seem to be any milky residue and the oil level has remained constant and the cap has no sign of milky crap either.

    This happened rather suddenly. The first alarm came out of the blue. I filled the coolant tank and it was alright for about two days of commuting. Then it happened again, and since then, constantly.

    I had the timing belt and water pump changed about 20,000 km ago, so I don't think it's the water pump, as some posts suggest. There is no steam coming out of the exhaust, either. Nor does there seem to be pools of water under the vehicle.

    Any ideas?
    EGR cooler is a possibility, on the back of the engine. Not a job of choice

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Brisbane, QLD
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    Yikes. Ok, thanks. I'll look at that.

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