This has been my most complex, frustrating, rewarding and interesting retrofit to date.
It is not for the faint of heart
Thanks go to Umai Naa who did the actual ABS module swap for me.
I would not have been able to achieve this without the constant advice and support of golfi_vend from the Ross-tech forums.
He has done this retrofit in multiple vehicles and knows all there is to know about the B6 and B7 Passats.
Special thanks also to Spacewalker also from the Ross-tech forums.
ACC was offered in some MY10.5 R36s here in Australia, so the way I have performed the retrofit is not the only way it can be done. You could go for a pure B6 (3C0 parts) retrofit however I have used a mix of B7 parts due to the fact that my CCM is a B7 part and expects a B7 ABS and Electronic Steering Column Lock.
This is not intended as a guide.
It is more an overview of the journey as I took it.
I have lots of unstructured notes and translations please feel to PM me if you'd like more info or specifics.
Passat B7 ACC retrofit in progress...
WEbsite is defunct now but I have the contents saved
Pre-requisite parts
In order to achieve this upgrade I had already upgraded the following parts:
7N0907530BL CANbus gateway (has extended can interface which ACC radar connects to, as well as the TPMS direct module which I had previously installed)
B7 Multifunction steering wheel (not essential)
B7 Multifuction steering wheel controller/slipring/instrument stalks including ACC control 5K0953569T/3C5953501BM
B7 Electronic Park Brake module 3C8907801A - my original EPB was failing a while back so I replaced with a new version which is required for ACC 3AA907801E. this needs to be flashed to sw version 10, or install a 3AA907801H/J.
You will have an 'incompatible interface' error log in VCDS against the ABS and EPB modules. This is because the EPB switch in the B6 was a momentary switch in the dash, and in the B7 it moved to a rocker type 2 way switch next to the gear selector. This means you also need to replace the whole centre console....