Hey Ron,
Weather getting colder and my ones back up to the same old tricks which has prompted me to remember to check in with you and see how the ecu replacement worked?
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Hi Mcgregor, glow plugs in these run for 2 secs then reduce in voltage, even though they run at 7 volts that first pre glow of 2 secs is at 11 volts then they monitor each cycle and adjust voltage accordingly thru a relay located right way down well hidden under battery box, so in order to get to relay u remove battery and intake air filter hose and access it from engine side, $ 150 for that relay. Ya glow plugs get m of EBAY England 4 NGK 's CZ 304's if memory serves me correctly $102 AUD delivered in 17 days as I saw one ya other posts re glow plugs, yes they original NGK, ceramic tips are used in them, but people here in Aus want $350 for same items I think they call them thieves.Or they must think we are stupid and do not know about the global world. Computer coming tomoz as have had a break from car for past month or more and have pretty much eliminated everything bar computer. So I suspect that is what it has been all along, I hope I am right as I run out things to eliminate. Cheers Ron.
Hey Ron,
Weather getting colder and my ones back up to the same old tricks which has prompted me to remember to check in with you and see how the ecu replacement worked?
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Hi Mcgregor,
haven't been back on this site for years.
But did resolve issue on the BMR Passat it turned out it was the sender ring that's pressed onto the rear of crank shaft which is impregnated with metal that gives the RPM sensor the signal basically looks like the old Beetle rear main seal.
Was $180 for new one and borrowed press tool from local VW guys as it is special tool to press it onto crank and that meant removing gearbox and fly wheel obviously.
Like the local Vw guys said with it only coming up as a intermittent RPM sensor code they to would of replaced the rpm sensor as well never thinking it would be the metal impregnated seal.
Glad that head ache was over many years ago, still have the old girl and she's up to 320k and still going, replaced a turbo not long back as banjo bolt oil to turbo blocked and stuffed bearing in turbo, managed to get a new CHAR inner rotating turbines and centre out of Europe for $350 to my door and a bit more spanner work solved that issue but something worth checking and banjo is left hand thread and worth checking every few years.