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Thread: Welcome!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Hi Alan,

    Sure can do this!

    1.) You will need Original Half Height Cluster & Key or Keys
    2.) A Full Height Cluster from a 2008 Golf or later (easy to find from wrecker) AND key

    We then will back up your immobiliser data & EPROM and transfer this to the full height. Then your existing keys will be able to integrate properly with the full height MFD and give your 2005 Golf a nice facelift.

    If you are interested in doing this send us a PM or e-mail us at

    Best Regards,

    Genuine VW Parts Importer | Navigation | Bluetooth |
    Repairs | Lighting | Coding | Programming |Cameras

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Just to answer some questions, the inners are the ones being changed, depending on workload we could have this turned around within a week.

    We are looking into providing a loaner set for this service while your tails are updated. Here is a completed set we did for a customer this week.

    @Kamold - We can do either, we can source the lights & then modify them or if you already have the tails we can modify them.

    @Rolls - If you are interested, send us a PM and we will take it from there. Be warned the amount of compliments/comments you will receive may get overwhelming as they look unique and totally awesome!

    Genuine VW Parts Importer | Navigation | Bluetooth |
    Repairs | Lighting | Coding | Programming |Cameras

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