Have available a 76 2 door shell that has been stripped to build a track car from.
Has all glass but thats about it. PM for pics via email if interested. Vehicle located in Perth.
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for a pre-emissions MK1 Golf 2door shell. (preferably with glass, doors, trim etc)
Regardless of the condition, let me know if you have something.
I'm looking locally (Vic), but would consider interstate if its the right car.
Have available a 76 2 door shell that has been stripped to build a track car from.
Has all glass but thats about it. PM for pics via email if interested. Vehicle located in Perth.
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??
Thanks Roccodingo!
PM sent.
Still on the hunt!
I have a chopped 2dr all in pieces has rollbar and rust in lower sill ..
eng strtr and bx are intact radiators uncracked dash console etc
has most items double like shocks, coil-overs, seats, strtr 2 clusters ...owes me $1350 ....minus mags ..gothic look 4 spokers, with yokas sell them separate..o package deal lol
german - english translations esp vw documents!!
Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,
a good chop keeping the qtrs. and bathtub top finish...lil too much bog for me but helped out a couple who were lost in the re-build due to bad medical news! As it stands no parts suited my USA 1989 Rabbit import....interested selling that soon too..cheers K
german - english translations esp vw documents!!
Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,