Selling our trusty family station wagon after an upgrade as we needed more seats....
This car has been awesome for us from day dot. Fits an absolute heap of stuff in the book and has been very reliable.
- ~112000 km
- 3 Months Rego
- Always serviced according to schedule. (next Service due September)
- Anthracite Grey
- CD Player
- Factory installed Bluetooth Handsfree and Media Player with integrated Steering Wheel Controls
- New Battery recently installed to replace original
- 7 Speed Automatic DSG Gear Box
- Full set of interior Rubber Mats
- Great car thats super easy to drive.
- Fully Detailed
- 4 New Tyres + Wheel Alignment
- Full Service history
- Rear Wiper doesn't work - never really been a problem for us.
- Some minor scratches from inconsiderate knob jockeys in shopping centre car parks.
- Occasionally displays error for 3rd Brake Light but light is fine.
- Small scrape/dent on left rear door.
VWWatercooled Price $6500
Last edited by tobes; 07-07-2019 at 06:23 PM. Reason: Added Rego
'11 Anthracite 90TSI DSG Octavia Wagon
Had to chuck some new tyres on and repair a switch to get the RWC. Which I now have in hand.
Also now has 3 months rego on it.
Last edited by tobes; 01-07-2019 at 11:49 AM. Reason: Added Rego
'11 Anthracite 90TSI DSG Octavia Wagon