Pics here guys!
Hey guys,
Selling my car to upgrade to a 155TSI R-Line.
Reason for sale is that my lease ended and it wasn't a great deal more expensive for me to upgrade so I figured why not.
VW Tiguan MY13.5 132 Pacific
- White
- Opticoat Ceramic paint protection - Applied by Detail Evolution (Kim)
- Opticoat Interior fabric protection - Applied by Detail Evolution (Kim)
- Standard seats (not leather)
- Darkest legal tint
- Mud flaps, rubber floor mats front and rear, plastic boot tray & Stainless Steel Scuff Plates on all 4 doors
- APR Stage 1 Tune done by Prestige & Performance
- Upgraded Whiteline 24mm Rear Swaybar installed by P&P
- Serviced by P&P
- 40,000km with 95% being on the highway at 100km (I live 4hrs from Brisbane)
- Immaculate condition inside and out, still feels as new as the day I bought it
- Two minor issues, front lower grill is slightly cracked, and about 4cm of gutter rash on the passenger side rim
- Comes with 6 months rego starting April 15!
Hoping to sell in the next couple of months, I am negotiable on price.
My Lease ends mid April but I will be trekking in Nepal at that time. (So I need to sell it either before April, or in May)
Feel free to ask any questions
Last edited by alexc2005; 31-03-2015 at 10:07 PM.
Pics here guys!
Soo I realized that this was probably priced a little high.
Price is now at $27,900